I make terrible distillate....why?

I’m honestly not sure of my vacuum situation. I have seen it get down to or just below 100 microns, but this doesn’t usually happen until really far along into the distillation.

However, after this thread, I now know that I’ll be taking a lot longer to do things so maybe my next major distillation will turn out far better than the one I started this thread with.


Just went through this whole thread. Glad to hear you got past this hurdle Killavolt. Reminded me of my beginning with a closed loop - one too many times did I think I “finished” and disconnected a -80 dewax or material column to have all my hard work come pouring out uncontrollably :rofl:

I’m about to pickup my first SPD system and been endlessly researching forums and SOP’s. This thread has filled in more knowledge gaps and walked me through the process and potential problems far better than anything I have come across. I look forward to updates and new videos.

Much love and appreciation to everyone that contributed to this thread - this place couldn’t be any better.


I’m going to be doing more cooking videos, and once I get some things caught up I’ll be doing other videos of distills, filtering etc.

Effectively though, I’m basically starting from scratch here, and I mean like complete scratch.
It’s as if I just so happened upon some equipment, and now have to start from the beginning because I’m completely broke, and I’m very much working towards getting into the legal side of market instead of just personal.
I had worked for some people in the past who basically ditched me when their equipment wasn’t capable of putting out the sheer volume of water clear they expected, and further to that they only ever just dumped equipment on me and basically said make it. I had no training or knowledge of anything.

Soooooooo, now I’m pretty much on my own and trying to break into the legal market with things except I just don’t know what I’m doing lol. I’m a hermit.


Really important to let the vacuum pump heat up before starting at least 30 min

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What are people using to clean the glass? My boiling flask often gets shit baked to it, and while I’ve had good success using Finish dishwasher tabs they don’t always cut it. Sometimes I still even see a fog or residue on it and rubbing alcohol also isn’t cutting it. That also takes a lot of time because it has to soak and gets buckets of ISO dirty fast.


@Killa12345 mentioned he uses a cheap ultrasonic cleaner 30L and alconox powder detergent


I read acetone works great for cleaning glass.

Pouring my crude in my bf to winterize today, then its my turn to hopefully “not make terrible distillate”.


I find the 100 micron important to know that i start with minor leaks
That is If the pump is Capable to pull a 100 or less ofcoarrse
Once distillation starts with the volatilles You should be between 450/1200 microns
And When mains come around 250 microns max after the coldtrap
IT s all a craft so every one has iT s own setpoints
But fact is the lower the vacuum the better


Are you leaving the vac open or pulling full vac on warm-up?

Winterize or decarboxilate

I first rinse with acetone. Then ultrasonic bath with alconex. Followed by distilled water rinse. Hang dry on a lab rack



Not sure why I typed winterize

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When i start working i put on all machines the chiller the mantel (130c)and the vacuum pump
I then fill the flask with decarboxilated crude clean When neccesary Any spills
And fill the coldtrap with dry ice
Or savant to Cool down
I then start asembly and greasing My glasswear keeping an eye on the oil in the flask in Wich i have a separate temp probe yust for checking Damn mantels once in a while have a life of their own
Once oil is at temp and all bubbles have seized and the vortex of the mixer can be seen i put My absorbents in flask and close system up
I then start Pulling My vac down either with a vacuum controller or My finger on a slightly open air valve to backfill
Watching My flask i start desending in vacuum Any abrupt boil or bump i release My finger to avoid oil Coming in the head
Break vacuum fast
Until i can pull full vac
Then i start Searching leaks in vacuum
Miracle that i can pull a good vac at once
I often lower temp on boiling flask to 90 C If iT is needed to realy search
But since most of My glass and lines i already prepared on a empty run
Its most of the times in the few connection i Greased last
Well then i insulate My head and flask If i have a hunch iT might help/ needed
Grab a high chair so i have a good Sight and go for iT


Give a heads up about When you start :grinning:

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Outdoor or indoor biomass crude ?

Purging and decarbing now


Cool Any metal keck clips around ?by Any chance?

No just the cheapo plastic

Ok mo worrys yust find leaks and get vac
Low You Will be Ok

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I have vac grease, and a small bit of distillate left. And or I’ll wrap the male part with ptfe tape as @Soxhlet suggested many times.