I make terrible distillate....why?

Its great because the radiation will heat the oil through the glass under vacuuum, just like how the earth gets the suns heat through the vaccum of space.


I actually have a heat lamp bulb I just need to find a lamp somewhere to setup… I may have one kicking around.

How did your last run turn out?

what was your condenser temp in part 23 when you switch to heads/mains?

shit I forgot but I do believe it was right around or just above 160. I switched when I saw the colour of the condensate switch from a thick greenish hue, to a nice yellow.

So far it’s going well, I’m going to pickup some more ice (and a battery if I remember) and hopefully finish it today. I’m still on the hearts.


It just hit me that the infra red wouldn’t denature product because the glass acts as a buffer! More reliable and even heat distribution too! Brilliant!!!

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you can’t “denature” cannabinoids. you can isomerize or degrade them.

which means breaking or moving bonds.
denaturing is “unfolding”. which does not apply here.


although I guess one could argue…

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I have since changed my vocabulary! I picked up a ton of bad habits in the unregistered market :sweat_smile: Thank you for your patience and knowledge!!!


no worries, and having posted the all knowing one’s definition, there is wiggle room if you want to use “denature”.

However, isomerize or degrade are the more appropriate terms from a chemistry vocab standpoint.

LOVE this place!!


Good luck today :grinning:
By the way by wraping aluminium foil and insulating your head
The reflux amount go s down make your run faster
Be carefull When tails approach because When there is little reflux the nasty s start Coming early​:pray::sierra_leone::+1:


In My opinion this is trick of the trade worthy :grinning:


This could be the difference in the way mine and @Killavolt temps were slightly different yesterday.

As soon as I knew I had my boiling flask kinda under control. I wrapped it right up with tin foil. I imagine that little bit of insulation is the difference.

I really look forward to using the rope I bought on the next run.


I think I’ll have it finished today. The colour is looking amazing (to me) its so much lighter than anything I’ve done before and I’m totally stoked.


So, this great thread was a request to find out how to get golden product that doesn’t smell like it’s been burned. Seems similar to boiling dhood (milk) down to khoa/mawa, which is used in the formulation of the finest sweets in India, the process requires smooth steady heat, and constant stirring, and loads of patience.

From “Lord Krishna’s Cuisine, The Art of Indian Vegetarian Cooking” by Yamuna Devi page 320,

I’ve seen this done by a high Brahmana poojari at the head ISKCON temple in LA, the milk fudge produced is awesome.

Here’s a video of the technique, if you let it go for a second too long you’ll burn it, and you’ve waisted your time.

East Indians won’t rent an apartment with an electric stove, no control compared to gas.

Sorry to go off topic.


I glad it looks like it’s better, but what a sketchy process, I’m still hoping you’ll take me up on the offer to assist you in getting a Variac and power meter to try out.


I’ve been looking for one at a reasonable price, but in CAD the cheapest I could so far is like $138 … we get screwed a lot up here… but trust me, I’m going to be looking into one because the PID sucks big ass.


If You have Some means of storing under vacuum You should
There are these glass jar with metal hinge god cant remeber the name
Put material in a glass jar release the lid from metal hinge and lubricate the rubber O ring put lid on the jar and then pull a vacuum in a vacuumpan the lid Will suck tight upon air refiling the vacuumpan



maybe it’s time to change the title on the thead?

I made terrible distillate: and then I found the future…


thanks so much to everyone who contributed on this one. especially to @Killavolt for hanging in there when quitting seemed like a better option. this thread will up dozens of games.