How to properly use a diamond miner / pressure vessel

Please point to where I showed a hateful attitude toward you…

I’ll wait as long as you need.

Edit: fuck that, you spewed all kinds of venom towards people and at no point, until now, have I been curt to you.

You cop this shit attitude towards everyone and now your acting like that never happened? Stuff if up your ass you dolt.

You’re a fucking clown. Go walk take a long walk off a short pier.


the one i own

In this information according to the Canadian government is advertising comes with a $1 million fine
in this information according to the Canadian government is advertising comes with a $1 million fineAnd do you want to better invite you up let you I have a facility tour set you up in the best accommodations and more product so you can smoke in a year

and do you want to better invite you up let you I have a facility tour set you up in the best accommodations and more product so you can smoke in a yea

in my dine


i would love to see this. Please @pangea take this offer up. if you say its the shit…i will completely eat crow and come back from N Korea


true very true

invite is open ended

For my uncalled for five-year-old crybaby behaviour at the beginning I will offer full accommodations I will pay for the entire trip

for my uncalled for five-year-old crybaby behaviour at the beginning I will offer full accommodations I will pay for the entire trip

Hey pay your way to Canada and I will reimburse you that and pay for the flight home

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I deserve that the

but fuck dude I can’t swim in water

only in money and on other Peoples jealousy not really jealousy my success reminds you of your failure

I am amazed that this is still continuing. Would love to see the products…


I am interested. Ive started a dialogue.


You could do it in diamond miners and wouldn’t need jars.


Ive already volunteered to be pinkman


Hmmmm…you sure about your googlefu?

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I almost had a stroke trying to read what ever spastic finger banginng of the keyboard that was :sweat_smile:


My guess would be that he is located in Alberta, based on his one comment of Ontario having too high of taxes.

Big up to you @pangea, if you go, I’m up here too but I don’t think I’d waste my time. I’ve skipped over 90% of what this guy has said because it makes no sense or is just repeated rhetoric.


I’m sure it’s possible but if all his or her material is decarbed prior to extraction. How are they getting 10L diamonds?? A lot just don’t add up. I’d love @pangea to come back and say it’s legit though. I’m just staying skeptical


Closest places to me are Meijer in Gaylord and in Bay City. I have looked for over a year so if you come up with something that is cheaper than 2.69 a LB that is closer than 30 minutes ILl be FLOORED!

Depends on if @Dred_pirate actually helped but still no pics of the stones or any extracts…and why couldn’t they just break up the larger stones to size like everybody else?

Sounds like they’re using


I’m with you… I was really interested in there machines back in the day, seems to me like they must’ve put a lot of work into it since then, would love to see progress and new tek. Couldn’t really find anything in google searches except for one random reddit and a lot of company derived articles… would love to be proved wrong


My first attempt was a complete failure. Disappointing to say the least. I’m going on the assumption that I left to much solvent in it the miner. Back to the drawing board. It frustrates me to no end that it’s so easy for some people and I seem to struggle for months at mass losses before it’s figured out…and to boot the product Im working with is a 5 out of 10 at best.

I didn’t get it the first time or two either. I kept getting small formations to not much more than sugar before I was able to get it down.


I know you aren’t using etoh, but I remembering reading a brief comment on a forum elsewhere, it was actually linked through here, that etoh has a saturation point with thc-a of 15.63g/L (if I’m remembering correctly) - that being said, there was no talks of terpene content being present (although they are alcohol based) so I can’t rightly say how much terp content would effect the saturation levels, nor can I say how what I’m saying can at all correlate over to other solvents :man_shrugging:t2: