TFE (tetrafluoroethane) extraction system

Anyone heard of this? Sounds interesting.

Yeah, i’ve heard it sucks, bad efficiency and quality.


I’ve heard the same. I sat on a panel with one of their owners a few years back, she was basically a sales rep at every question while I took a much more individual problems need individual solutions approach… She didn’t draw much favor


i bet it pulls a lot of garbage compared to butane/propane

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There is a long thread about using Freon 134 as an extraction solvent.
My own experiments have confirmed the information that thc is not very soluble in liquid R134.
You have to run a godawful amount of R134 to completely extract biomass.
That being said, R134 has long been used in the perfume industry as a solvent.
I’m aware of one outfit that has converted a commercial R134 machine designed to extract flower petals into a cannabis extractor.
Their process works well and the R134 extracts so little junk that they can make a honey clear liquid without spd.
My experience hasn’t been good but I sure saw some interesting extracts at very low yields.
Like a yellow solid that resembles sulfur…?

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I don’t think any of the fluorinated solvents extract well.

I used to use Freon 113 (tri chloro fluoro methane) ca. 1977 and it extracted everything but it is no longer available.
Severe ozone depletion potential but that’s not a problem with 134.
The only reason to work with Freon is to sidestep all the regs about flammable solvents.
A kosher class1, div 2 facility is pricy.

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It pulls no garbage zero plant material zero water as it’s hydrophobic only thing those polls from the plant is
3% wax
cannabinoids and terpenes

you heard
why not research