How to make vapes and decarb tips

Decarb and vape tips. (Cool down method) Scroll down to the video part if you know the basics.

:loudspeaker: You dont need a bunch of fancy expensive equipment to make high quality vapes! Just good full melt sho or some good live or cured resin! Mason jar,(or small glass jar w lid) heat source and some good vape hardware.
(I’ll post hardware info soon)

Ea batch is different! not all rosin/resin decarbs and finishes at the same time. (Multiple variables)

Viscosity plays a big factor in efficiency, weather it vaporizes well or not…We can alter viscosity through decarboxylation and/or adding terps. CDT/HTE (full spec terps best imo, the fraction)

thca % presence plays a big factor as well.

Many don’t decarb long enough, the oil re-nucleates/ re solidifies and won’t vaporize efficiently.

Decarb too long… Large volume loss, sedative buzz, degradation etc…

Too high temp… burn terps and other noids. (If any present) Creates too much pressure from CO2 gassin off

Too low… won’t decarb.

Terps act as a catalyst

thcA on its own takes a long time or high temps… you want a catalyst, preferably hte, terp fraction…but 100% CDT works also…contrary to popular belief they can withstand 200f+ when paired with thca and/or other noids.

Volume loss does occur (8%-20% volume loss in my exp. And science says about 12% is avg, many variables though)

Keep it at a min. by checking ea batch w the cool down method…
I start checking every 1-2 hrs after 4-6 hrs …you’ll become familiar after some experience.

Cool down to room temp then stir it up! If it bubbles/foams needs to go longer. Keep repeating the process until no bubbles form after a good mixing at room temp. (See vids)
Viscosity should be like a thick warm honey. (There’s a scale but I’m not familiar)

What it looks like when needs more time :point_down:

What it looks like when it’s done :point_down:

Those are all full melt hash rosin, same applies to live and cured resin as well.

Viscosity - not too thin / low…burns fast. Not too thick/high where it won’t vaporize either. Sweet spot like warm honey at room temp.

Postless wickless is best imo. But good specifications most important. (Learn ohms law) High coil temps ruins tasty oil. (I’ll make another post about vape hardware)

In my best cholo accent
“watts happening homes”… learn watts. Ppl been saying “I like mine at 3 volts, I like my vape at 2.4 volts” - volts alone doesn’t tell us enough info. See an ohms calculator. You need both volts and ohms to know watts.

Decarbed rosin & resin is more potent b/c it’s more bioavailable.

I do
Hash rosin @- 190f-210f , 4-6 hrs up to 48 hrs (many variables, thca and terp % the biggest, longest ive gone was 30 some hrs) after 4-6 hours I let cool to room temp then stir it up to see if it’s done or how much longer it needs.

I repeat this process every 1-2 hours after bubbles start getting smaller… After your familiar you can tell how the bubbles form about how much longer you need to go.

(Usually finish 6hrs-20hrs rare to go over 20…maybe ppl adding thca to the rosin? :thinking: You can learn a lot by decarbing, ppl def been adding CDT to rosin, many aren’t aware)

*Edit after @SubstituteCreature comment. I’ve gone 160f-170f @ 24hrs -100+ hrs didn’t notice much of a difference. But hes def got more experience than I do.

200f-225f for cured/live resin. 6hrs -48hrs same method as full melt.

Let it cool down and stir it up before you load. If it bubbles it needs to go longer! Be patient keep going until no bubbles form.

I use an air fryer, small glass jars, mason jars, and postless vapes. If you have good quality rosin/resin you can make good quality vapes. It’s important to get all that CO2 out! If you don’t have a vacuum system be sure no bubbles form at all when you stir it up. Stir well.

This is more for the newbs…I’ll make another post w/o all the newbish details


I know molar masswise, decarbing loses ~13%. Does that correspond to a 13% change in volume too? Like if you melt down 100mL worth of diamonds (but not hot enough to decarb), it’ll resolidfy as a 100mL puck, but then if you melt + decarb, you end up with 87mL of disty?

Interesting. I don’t do my math this way. The density of THC is lower than the density of THCa (based on my chemistry spreadsheet…) That generally would say that what you ask is exactly the opposite if you were just looking at volumes.

But - since we are talking about changes in mass not in volume we could dig a bit deeper here.

100mL diamonds (assuming 100% purity…at 1.15g/mL) ~115 grams
Take away all those carboxyl groups → ~100.625 grams
Convert back over to THC volume (assuming 100% purity…at 1.05g/mL) ~95.8 mL

Which is around 96% of the total starting volume. Again, assuming pure molecules and full decarb.

However - something I often notice myself is that THCa is “fluffy” until heated. And THC is not fluffy, really ever.

I’d probably base my calculations on weight instead of volumes… since we probably don’t have 100% pure molecules. And I’ve definitely seen volumes increase (because trapped gas, etc.) I’m sure we have all seen volcanos in our time with decarb…

But I know people like to talk about “liters” which I still don’t understand at all - since no one is using any calibrated glassware for measurements. And since most legal markets require that you calculate this stuff in GRAMS.

So talking about kilograms or grams of material makes a lot more sense to me.

Such is life when dealing with marketing folks I suppose. -shrug-


Mass is just about the only thing that we can really accurately measure in a standard lab. Doing stuff by volume is just asking for trouble if you need accuracy and/or precision.

Is it fluffy, is it not? Is it compressible? Did the operator press down on it as hard as they can to fit it in the container? The mass will be the same.


You’ll fucking torch it like that

Because you’re torching it.


Where are you procuring your laboratory paper clips?




Is this the solution to your previous pain points on hand mixing?


Great write-up. Seems scalable. Wish some of these larger CAMPS would take note on how to do this with honesty & integrity.


Ive done 160f-170f @ 24hrs -100hrs+
didn’t notice much of a difference.

Same full melt tastes just as good to me at 190f-210f at less time.

*Same volume loss as well.
** Excuse me, same loss of weight

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If you aren’t slow it’s very scalable. Gotta have a little imagination.

Need good full melt hash rosin
Or live/cured resin.

A heat source

Some mason jars

Postless vape hardware

and that’s it really.

I said you don’t need lab equipment, not that it wouldn’t be useful.

I didn’t even read all your boring pictures. Saw the hand picture thing…meh. not even a chuckle. You bore me.


decarbing thca alone, to get it to a thin enough viscosity to vape prob lose more than 13%… More like 25% loss in weight or more.

Idk exactly why but terps act as a catalyst.

Add some full spec terps if your not doing rosin. (Hash rosin the best though)

CDT works also but you need high quality CDT. Hopefully all that helps

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The post w/o all the newbish details :

Let it cool to room temp. Stir it up. Preferably with @DapperDabMan & co paperclip. ($14.99+ ups shipping costs but we ship USPS :nerd_face:)

In an annoying loud motivational cheerful type voice-
“If it bubbles throw it back in your @DapperDabMan 's special decarboxylator vape making machine”.

Lol I just read the rest of your response… I did laugh at the paper clip thing. That was funny. :grin:

I have no clue what you sell or how you ship it…I’m just bored firing shots at whoever wants this roast battle.


If it’s just thca where is the other 12% weight going at decarb temps? Lol the first half is turning to CO2 but where would the rest be going to?


Probably using volume as a stand-in for mass…


Most likely going to



Don’t worry they’re HDTs (human derived terps)


Please don’t chime in on discussions where you don’t contribute.

You too.

We’re @SusieWu.USA people around here.

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a nice almond-y nose to em I’m sure


Full melt has nothing to do with rosin

Yes I apologize for my crappy vocabulary. Those who know what I meant, I truly appreciate the correction.

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