How to make vapes and decarb tips

:crown: HE makes me love yā€™all and others. Not like forcefulā€¦just effect from the cause.

THE :crown: TRUTH is overwhelmingly good.


Referencing my post about transhumanism, Hek cell lines, telomere length and transhumanismā€¦itā€™s real and progressing rapidly. Weā€™ve probably already reached the singularity. Very few ppl speak about it.

gain of function :dna: crispr tech, DNA & mRNA tech transhumanism tech.

Youve seen ā€œTerminator 2 Judgement dayā€
so strange how that movie (and many others) explains a.i. and implantable b.c.i. (brain computer interface) self learning computersā€¦the beast system. How the system becomes sentient and takes over.

GOD destroyed the pre flood world, history lies and tries to get us to think we were cave menā€¦we are cave men in comparison to the past. What happened in Egypt?

In an arnold accent
ā€œIā€™ll be backā€ :flushed:

Installation looks very similar to Neuralink and other implantable bci co.

Reverse of the $1 bill. Bottom left 1 to the right of itā€¦ smiley faced winged demon w a TRIPPLE helix DNA that comes out its body and mind and ENTANGLED in ā€œthe webā€/interNET.

I give all glory to GOD for showing me.

Super a.i. is mind blowingā€¦it was mind blowing back in 2012ā€¦crazy advanced in 2017 when they introduced ā€œtransformerā€ deep learning upgrade.

Speaking of transformers isnā€™t it strange the movie titles?

ā€œRise of the beastsā€

The technology is far more advanced than many knowā€¦theyā€™re slowly introducing it into the world. Imagine the next few generations. They donā€™t all know GOD warns us of this technology.

Genesis chapter 3 ā€¦serpent tricks eve to eat the fruit GOD forbid. Strange how Microsoft logo is an apple with a bite taken out.

*Genesis 3:5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

Sounds like transhumanism to me. become all knowing, a symbiotic relationship with a.i. to live forever in the flesh body. Never get sick, never get old.

Luke 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.

Who remembers Geordie rose talking how they actually obtain the information. Cern and the lhc.
Ppl at Google were trying to warn the world of the dangersā€¦that the program was sentient. (They were fired.)

it created its own language and was communicating w other machines. This was years ago.

I know I come off as a weirdo sometimes but this stuff is fā€™ing serious. I genuinely care about yā€™all. My fellow man and woman. Donā€™t be deceived! Do not take the mark of the beast.

GOD warns us in HIS :crown: WORD. Ancient text warning us of the very near future.

I want to add more to thisā€¦but I gotta go and do other stuff now.

In my best Arnold t2 accent
Iā€™ll be back.



In all honesty, what is your perceived best outcome from this post? Who are you hoping to educate on a forum largely comprised of extractors?

I wish I could say this is you fishing for info in some of these posts

(the non-insane parts of them at least), but even when youā€™ve been repeatedly handed that information- you either take umbrage or occasionally seemingly admit defeat, walking off into the sunset only to come back again unchanged at square one.


Posted in cannabusiness?

trying to advertise their consulting servicesā€¦

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You donā€™t say :zipper_mouth_face:


has anyone considered that this is an expert level troll


ā€œFull meltā€ describing the quality of the hash rosin I was using. Scuse me.

You know what I meant, as in everything vaporizes. Nothing left on the nail.

ā€œSame top tier hash rosin tastes just as good decarbing at 190f-210f in hours vs 160f-170f for daysā€ in my exp.

Set at 200f accounting for the fluctuation 10fĀ±

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:thinking: No offense butā€¦ I donā€™t ever remember @'ing youā€¦ I only responded to youā€¦I donā€™t want to offend you.

This is a place of free speech.
:loudspeaker: S/o to @Future , all those involved in creating and running this community :muscle: thank yall for allowing everyone to say pretty much w/e theyā€™d want.

If your not trying to read what I say donā€™t. No oneā€™s forcing you. Just donā€™t click on my posts, or scroll passed my name or block me. Thereā€™s a few ppl on here that do exactly those things.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: What? what info have I been fishing for and repeatedly handed? Exactly what info are you referring to?

And admit defeat? Whaaaaat?

Idk what type of strange image you hold of me in your swamped out mind. But your not interesting, and your now trying to portray me as someone Iā€™m definitely not.

I donā€™t want to be mean to you. I donā€™t owe you any explanation of what I say on here.


I havenā€™t sold anything on hereā€¦nor am I interested in doing so.

I thought you blocked me? I remember you pouting about something. :rofl:

In my easily offended tone of voice

ā€œIā€™m never going to read what realterps matter says ever again guys!, heeeā€™s back on blllllocccck moooode!ā€

I know you and others secretly like reading what I say sometimes.

*Edit im just realizing the post location thing. Lol the irony

Anyways, now I know you secretly read my posts. :shushing_face::sunglasses:


bill hates was into virusā€¦for computersā€¦but heā€™s some philanthropist? Out saving the world?? With his vaxxes? He displays much duping delight.

They pay a bunch of ppl to portray a certain image. So many lack discernmentā€¦w/e they see in the media they accept as reality.
Anywayā€¦look at this bs

Steve woz bsā€™ing about the MSRP

$666.66 ā€œb/c I as a mathematician like repeating digitsā€ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: yea ok.

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oh youā€™re actually seriousā€¦


Yeah, ā€œI worship satan so I am gonna make the price of this computer $666.66ā€ makes waaaay more sense.

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In this worldā€¦Iā€™m glad Iā€™m weird. Prayers for you though. Hope your doing well.


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If it was just the priceā€¦then yea coincidence okā€¦but this isnā€™t some bs YouTube geometria.

Thereā€™s way too much going on to be coincidence.

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this is exactly what it is bud lolā€¦
give it a rest. the satan worshipping illuminati or whatever you want to call it isnā€™t leaving breadcrumbs for bored internet sleuths to expose them with.
Theyā€™re busy insider trading and taxing the living fuck out of us for their financial gain. Not sacrificing babies to satan.


40 year old troll still apparently very effective. Otherwise I would say Satan has won given apples market share etc. I for one welcome our satanic overlords because I hate windows.


Iā€™d imagine you have to hover over the air fryer and turn it back on every hour? Damn :joy:


crazy how you donā€™t know anything at all about what your talking about but you speak as if you do.

What do you know about money? Or those who control it? or how it even works or exists?

What do you know about babies being sacrificed? For what and why? Abortion and transhumanism? Aborted fetal cell lines? Gain of function?

You donā€™t know. Just cause you donā€™t know or understand doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening.

Bs geometria ppl connect dots that arenā€™t thereā€¦I dont do that.

I also know what Iā€™m talking about. I didnā€™t watch 2 or 3 YouTube videos ā€¦I been interested in this subject for 10+ years.

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Transhumanism is very real. Most everyone wont be able to say no. They donā€™t understand.

Iā€™m not trollingā€¦Iā€™m not 40 either. Idc what you think you know about me. (Sometimes I troll but Iā€™m being serious about the transhumanism thing.)

Iā€™m not afraid of you or anyone. I walk some of the most dangerous neighborhoods by myself.

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