How to make home Crude oil for distillate

Hello everyone, sorry for the question but Im new at this and I dont have any knowledge besides what I read online.

I got a short path lab ( 2Liter ), terpenes and cartridges but I didnt realized about the starting material which is the crude oil and I have no knowledge about it. I read and saw some videos about ethanol extraction but I can´t figure it out so I hope you can help me with this I´m so close but yet so far

Do I need a minimun quantity of material inside the flask that is on the heating mantle so it can distillate it??
Also do I need to evaporate the alcohol before trying to distillate it or I can pour the material with alcohol?
What at the yields from crude oil to distillate approximately.
Thanks and hope you can help me, I already spent some money.

To distill you want the flask 1/4 to half full of oil.

Yes you can load the ethanol solution in your still. You would distill off the solvent and then your terpenes and finally cannabinoids (low weight compounds evaporate quicker). It’s not going to be very easy at first and I hope you have a diaphragm pump because a rotary vane is going to be quickly drowned by ethanol. Most people remove the alcohol with a rotary evaporator which is a special kind of distillation apparatus, then they decarb their oil and finally distill the terpenes and cannabinoids in a short path.

Yields are variable, depending on starting material potency, extraction efficiency, transfer losses, etc. 50% from ethanol crude is a good target and can be beat with some practice. Good luck and do a lot of research on here and YouTube.


imo making distillate for carts, for home use, is a waste of time and energy.

Do you grow weed?

If not, it is likely going to be more expensive to make distillate than buy it.

…and these days there is zero need to make or purchase distillate, when the hemp bois are now openly selling thca isolate. See: Is this even legal?

The correct solution is to purchase thca isolate, decarb, add terps and go. See: Please humor me. How are decarbed diamonds that much different from distillate?

Have you made carts before throwing money at that SPD?

Do you have all the pieces? (Pictures?!!).
Vacuum pump?
Digital gauge?

If you want to wrap your head around EtOH crude production, start with: Bucket Tek (Cold Ethanol Extraction on a Budget)

You’ll need on the order of a liter of crude to appropriately load that 2l boiling flask.

You’ll likely wreck your first few liters of crude before getting distillate worth adding to your expensive terpenes, although I have seen folks nail it on the first try (not I).

Here’s a little math.

Let’s start with 10kg (~22lb) of “whole plant” at 10% THC.

How much THC? 10 x 0.1 = 1kg!

Let’s be real, and imagine you’ll get 80% of that.

That’s 800g.

That 800g of pure THC will be in the form of crude, which will be in the 65% range.

So that 800g thc will be in 800 / 0.65 => 1230g of crude

Which is enough for you to load that boiling flask…you might get away with loading 1/2 that.

Can you afford to destroy 5kg of weed?


Not a new question…

So it turns out you could actually type “Crude to distillate yield” into the search bar and have an answer…


Although one of those is a dead end…

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have you posted that short path setup for sale yet @eatbroccoli94?

Found a source of crude to feed it?!?

Indeed. You found the right place ( a smidge late), but nobody can help you on this without your participation…

You seem to keep stopping by, but don’t appear to be reading much…(32 min in 6 weeks)

You should have several hrs of read time at this point if you’re actually trying to make progress (or crude)


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink

I notice with a lot of these I need help threads, they go dead after a few posts due to lack of OP participation. If I had a project I needed help with and someone very qualified responded to help me for free I would be ecstatic

Its almost like the person is the problem, not the problem is the problem
Its an internal echo chamber of “I need help, I’m helpless” but when the help is there, the help wasn’t the problem. The problem was the incapable mind that still exists with the help present. So the thread should be titled I need mental help

Wait, maybe I’m the one who needs mental help. HELP!!!


Damn that just gave me a flashback of my sex life with my first wife.