How are people isomerizing cbd to d8?

Damn gravity :unamused:

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yep stuck like glue.

looks like our troll is doing some research to throw back at us.

he is taking his time to post thats for sure.

me I just chuck it up and fix it with a billion edits :crazy_face:


I almost fell off my counter :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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but will it be 4chan worthy.

that would be a true trolling.

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I’ve reached my max likes again :unamused:


and no hate button its happened to me too.

personally I think we need a hate button after all what is a like if there is nothing

to compare it too.

I wonder if our troll takes this long to get ready for his evenings adventures.

the suspense is killing me.


come on @roiplek we know your going to tell us all how much we suck.

get it over done with so we can go back to sucking.

right ill be back in an hour it should be done by then.

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Chlorine or Hypochlorite?

It took hundreds of hours getting the hang of each of those reactions. The rest is thanks to a M. Sc. in chemistry and a federal pharmacist license i guess? It’s not rocket science.

Really, y’all want explanations? I mean I’d be happy to but when the audience can’t even tell Chlorine from Hypochlorite you’d think it’d be futile, no?
Besides, a little bit of self education goes a long, long way.

Anyways, if you have specific questions, ask away. Happy to help!

L0ok he asked a question without insult

Annnnnnnnnnnd there it went


Roiplek confuses elemental chlorine with sodium hypochlorite… Isn’t aware that DCM can undergo pyrolysis… And thinks that calcium chloride isn’t a drying agent… Yeah, this dude’s legit…


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show me where!


um yes they can dude.

there are quite a few ph’ds here that are working in fields that are very important to the world.

just because this site is about dope doesn’t mean that everyone is stupid.


Squig said chlorine, no? You then inquired about hypochlorite… Why would you think chlorine refers to hypochlorite? He clearly didn’t mean that.

Probably made his degree same way he makes type ups in 2 minutes :joy::wink::shushing_face:

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Both compounds CuCl2 and CuSO4 are very soluble in water, up to a certain limit.

In anhydrous form, these are white powders.
Hydrated, the have a vivid blue color.

Once you dissolve them in water, the salts dissociate and release Cu2+ cations in solution. And indeed, the cations gets complexed by 6 water molecule, forming a sort of octaherdron, it gets hexacoordinated.
It displays a pale blue color.

This color changes with the ligands that are coordinating the metal center. But is usually in the blue/purple/green domain.

It precipitates out as the solubility limit is reached. For instance, in a solvent mixture were a little bit water is present, and in which the salt is not soluble, you can remove it by adding the dry salt. If not enough salt is added, it can dissolve in the little volume of water. But enough is added, it will attract all water molecule to form the solid hydrate.


Did you make it yourself or buy it?

Any response to your claim that DCM can’t be “smoked” when in residual quantities in oil? Should Jebril explain pyrolysis yet again to you?

all pre pub

its not hard.

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But reading things is hard

Probably why he says my “rants are dyslexic “


Because nobody works with actual elemental chlorine and thinks Sodium chloride is a source of chlorine.