How are people isomerizing cbd to d8?

As the title says. How are you guys isomerizing your cbd into d8.
And and what ratios


It can be done almost to completion with a little heat and a little acid, as ∆8 is more stable. I believe there is even a product on the market that cleans up the color and isomerizes.

I’ll tell you for 50 cents a pen :joy::rofl: Im kidding im only gonna tell you cause no one told me. Its a powder mix called t5 for the undocumented chemist, or ptosic acid, inert atmosphere, and mol sieves (dry!) for the real chemist


Does t5 in boiling flask do 100% conversion or some d9 also ?

d9 as well

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Now is the disty stable like delta 8 made from thc crude

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there most likely won’t be a full conversion, the rate of the distillation will determine how long the reaction can run for.Ideally you’d run this under reflux.


My buddy just ran T5 in his boiling flask and it turned a distillate red. What would be the cause for this?

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What was in the boiling flask? Distillate or crude?

Distillate. And he added the T5 at 5%


Red is usually the sign of oxidation of cbd, promoted by uv light.

T5 is an acid activated clay. It contains acidic sites with various activities depending on the local cationic arragement. The conversion is thus likely not as homoheneous as if using pure specific acid (diluted of course).

In addition, presence of water seems to promote side reactions. Clays contains 10-15% water, so you better dry them first.


T41 at 5-10% works well, and makes for a really nice light distillate


The first half of my run I had a ph imbalance causing the red which I am assuming was the water in the T5, the second half of the run turned out almost water clear. Tests were 70%D8 10%D9 5%CBD

My buddy says to run my clay in the oven at like 200° for a few hours to dry it our, then scrape off dried layer then add to boiling flask which I agree with. Also possibly reflux for a couple hours to get rid of colors.

Does this sound right?

Also what do you guys think I can do to eliminate all the D9 and still be high in D8 so that I am compliant with rules and regulations here in Oregon. I have to be below 0.3% D9


quick question, how are you guys getting the clay out of your boiling flasks? I do hot water and alconox and then hot ethanol but its a pain in the ass. Anyone have a better way. Clean boiling flask tek…lol


Reflux alcohol mixed with d limonene, ive had to toss a couple bf due it cementing. Now i get flasks i can fit my hand into, much easier :ok_hand:


I’ll have to try limonene

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Would depend on amount and shape, but you better dry the clay at 110c overnight, and then store in hermetic containers.

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@Demontrich SOP says after the boiling flask is done you see how many pieces you can make out of it


Assuming there are no solvents left in your boiling flask…

Stick the whole thing in an oven at like 170f or whatever the lowest your oven will go for like 30 mins and pour that shit out.

Idk if that’s super safe or anything but it would probably work :person_shrugging:

What are you referring to?

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