How are people isomerizing cbd to d8?

O I yust evap of and send to the lab
My interest is mostly to see the amount of unknowns


You should really filter the clay out then sodium bicarb wash in heptane pre distillation. ptosic monohydrate under reflux works best.


82C 1.5 hours
62C 3~ hours
42C 6 hours ~

so not too far off the double and half rule for temperature and reactivity.

I guess its time to try a room temp alcohol reaction :slight_smile:


dude what the fuck?? youā€™ve been talking crazy loads of shit elsewhere but this is too much. you clearly donā€™t have even the slightest amount of chemistry knowledge and skills and Iā€™d strongly advise anyone against believing anything you say. stop spreading this bullshit!


not sure I get what you mean.

so how has insulting everyone helped your business of late ?


of course not, thatā€™s exactly my point

wrong. itā€™s a suspected carcinogen but there is no case in humans directly traceable to DCM.

impossible to smoke something that evaporates at 40 C

not even the most experienced chemists like playing with chlorine


both wrong




maybe start fact checking your own bullshit before you start gatekeeping stuff you clearly donā€™t understand

lol sure you did when itā€™s already all over the literature for 40+ years

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funny ive used heaps of chlorine. must be something only professionals like your self have problems with.

use the whole quote thanx this is not some trash publication that deals in the royals and biasā€™s

opinion against fact.

yes I was wrong its to do with oxidation and water helping this :slight_smile: hence the I am beginning to think.

why not use calcium chloride as a drying agent.

we dont have any functional groups that will form complexā€™s with it.

so if zeolite breaks down does it not release what it has trapped in it ?

interesting I wonder why they want such a precise poor sizes then.

yes you buy acetone and it is often coming with water.

when you evaporate solvents from the oil a resedue is left in it if not vacuum treated.

so you put that in your vape were does it go ?

I love your calling card stating you can do all the reactions that are currently being distributed

around here by others who have put the time to get them right.

personally not my thing ill walk my own way thankyou and you can go yours.

I have been asked to leave you alone.

so I shall see you on 4chan.


nope calcium chloride is out it reacts with phenols.

new drying agent needed :slight_smile:

Magnesium Sulfate would be my next choice.


If one smokes a DCM containing product, a part will be vaporised, and the other will by pyrolized. I would not advise such thing. :grimacing:


And weā€™re here again:

Iā€™m sure weā€™d all prefer if you spend a fraction of the time you spent saying ā€œyouā€™re wrongā€ providing some explanation of why and in what context. You are correct that most of the users here are not classically trained in chemistry but I think youā€™ll find we mostly all care about learning.



just let it all go brother.


Iā€™ve been trying to find a post by @roiplek that isnā€™t troll like. I was unsuccessfulā€¦


where all good trolls go to rest.


Ever consider anhydrous copper II chloride? It starts as a white powder and turns blue (hexahydrate?) as it dries your solvent. When part of it stays white you know its dry. Iā€™m not sure if would participate in the reaction tho but Iā€™ve always wondered.

Pretty sure you can reuse the cucl2 and cook it to drive off the water as well


It forms the blue dihydrate.
In fact anhydrous Cu sulfate is preffered in that case, because it forms a pentahydrate, it scavenges more water.


Pheophorbide is a chlorophyll degrediation product that appears red to the human eye.

Chlorophyll ā†’ phytol + chlorophyllide
Chlorophyllide + acid ā†’ Mg ion + pheophorbide

Is your buddy sucessfully removing most of the chlorophyll before he starts his distillation process?


Yeah I totally rechecked and you are right I just got distracted and forgot to correct myself

One thing I dont fully understand about it is cucl2 is definitely ionic and fully dissolves and disassociates in water. Does it turn into the dihydrate and precipitate out? Or is it only when theres trace water it stays a salt.

Also Iā€™m pretty sure it can form the hexahydrate but maybe not under normal conditions.

Interesting about the sulfate tho I never knew that. Does it also change in color?

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When I see someone argue with @squig


I wonder sometimes why I donā€™t fall off the planet.

after all I am on the bottom of it.