High CBN Conversion Methods

Has anyone other than @Roguelab ran the photocatylitic method?

No one I’m aware of has posted solid results or a review.

I was planning on trying it after I got my feet underneath me and had some play time, but i’m not close to that yet.

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In the same boat as you, and not giving up either on this method. If anything it has helped me learn more about chemistry, and also the important of self R&D. So I too, followed the SOP to the “T” and guess what, we also only got 6% CBN. I adjusted Sulfur, same percentage. Then I noticed on the chromatagram and testing more, that the d9 was the first to “go” and after the initial reaction, CBN amount did not increase. Next step was converting the CBD, and for just sake of time and testing hypothesis, only converted about half the CBD input, resulting in a new input material of 30%cbd, 21% d9, and 6%d8, 1% cbn. After a few test batches we noticed again the THC was first to go, and now we had CBN potentcy of 19.2% Much better… but a lot more work needs done.

However an added benefit of this, was the impact it has on crude. With correct sulfur ratio’s, we can convert the THC in crude to CBN, without damaging CBD. The irony is that I am doing this R&D as I type this, and came across your post. No more THC remediation through chroma, o happy day…

I wish there was a GLG -only thread so others would be possibly a little more open to sharing knowledge and findings (not just answers)


How long did either of y’all let it run for? @OBXtracts

If you want dm me I’ll give y’all a bit more direction on that sop( Im Not the author of S but I know how to make it actually work)

Depends on sample size. I’m doing 10-20 gram test runs right now, and noticing more things like, if temp is ~150 it seems to destroy the CBD, so adding it after it is at 195-200 is better. I then tested as soon as the bubbles stopped in the boiling flask, and noticed that the d9 would diminish, typically down to LOQ-0.35% immediately, with d8 and cbd “unchanged” (and twice already, increase… could be caused by change of mass from boiling off moisture/volatiles) CBN would jump to (depending on THC level) about half it’s max yield, followed by max yield after about a half hour, then no increase in CBN after, but degradation of CBD. D8 seems to be the compound that lags with it’s numbers changing last, if at all.

Within the time frame of going from cbd -D9- d8-cbn, your rxn is topping out. Especially from crude

That S is much easier starting from D8, which unfortunately wasn’t part of that write up in detail. You’ll end with a high cbn crude which you then need to run chroma on & some Haha this is ironic

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Im noticing that very much so with CBD being a red herring.

We’ve been working with crude and dist…

the crude is just a side project, pointed more towards THC remediation, or reduction. If it’s quick and easy, and our end result is distillate with low/no THC and even just 5% CBN, hell yes… but the ultimate goal is of course the CBN.

We plan on distilling/chroma, and have a biotage purification when we can get it worth doing a run and cleaned up without gunking the column.


I’ve found methanol with some dried phosphoric and a stream of (unintentional at the time) oxygen, got me to about 15-20% cbn in a conversion reaction.


We’ve come a long way from LLE my man… lol

19% is as high as I got so far, Here’s my data:

Starting input material (half assed conversion, citric acid with mol. sieves on heat, about 180 for 4 hours) 10grams, and 1.2 grams sulfur

cbd- 30%

@150c for 30 minutes:
15.58 cbd
7.11 d8
0.32 d9
7.57 cbn

180c at 60min mark
6.1 cbd
3.7 d8
.29 d9
13.96 cbn

200c at 120min mark
6.39 cbd
4.27 d8
LOQ - d9
16.75 cbn


New batch, same starting material and weight
heat to 195c, add sulfur
Immediately after bubbles stop (about 10 minutes), tested:

6.42 cbd
3.5 d8
0.5 d9
14.97 cbn

195c at 30min
5.4 cbd
1.8 d8
0.64 d9
19.08 cbn


Following the SOP, I ran until the evolution of H2S ceased. It was about an hour and a half.

How much acid you talkin

I think I had about 20% by volume to cbd

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did you use heat?

Well, got up to 28% today, getting better. Now I know some people already have these answers, but my data sharing is to help others along the path, and hey… you can never have too much data. That and we might as well as we are waiting for material to do better experiments.

Figure I would update some more numbers. Did a little quick polish of my shit feedstock and tried again, taking multiple tests.

Input: 10g
conversion shitstallte.pdf (137.1 KB)

Add in 1.8g sulfur, when at 204c
Observed immediate foaming, which died down after 8 minutes
At 20 minutes time:

8.029 CBD
2.38 d8
1.15 d9
24.03 cbn

conversion shitstallte 20minutes.pdf (136.0 KB)

At 2.5 hours in:
7.60 cbd
1.81 d8
1.298 d9
28.17 cbn

Seeing such little change after the 2 hours, we added in .5g more sulfur.
After 40 minutes:

0.7460 cbd
0.00 d8
0.7587 d9
21.441 cbn

conversion shitstallte 3.2 hours with added sulfur.pdf (134.5 KB)

Interesting things to note.
d9 seems to go first, and quickly. Then a little bit decides to stay behind.
Adding more sulfur seems to diminish cbn? We have noticed that after rxn, the numbers barely change over time (at this scale) until more sulfur is added.

Checking stoichiometric worksheet, we should have only put in ~0.216g. Why the worksheet wasn’t referenced before putting in more sulfur? Blame it on the help…

Weekend thoughts,
both d8 and d9 convert easily, however it seems that it will be fruitful to choose only one compound since both seem to rx at different rates. Hence, garbage in, garbage out.


It’s good to see that the old adage is still holding true for every and all aspects of weed/hemp… Fire In, Fire Out!

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Shoot me a DM, I’ll refund your membership.


This is what we sell memberships for. I’ve offered many times to give up the SOPs to anyone who asks for them.


None of that is occurring at GoodLifeGang.tech and at meetups all we do is positively sesh

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I wouldn’t mind taking you up on that

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