But anyway… Our rights to own firearms is exactly what sets us apart from any other country on this entire planet. The fact that we were able to own firearms is the reason why we are the country that we are today regardless of the fucking horrible things that we did to get here…
At the end of the day the only thing that will save our life liberty and the way of life as we know it will be our firearms
its not though. dont you see taliban running around with guns? and ukraine is all armed up too now, are they gonna make it illegal to own a gun after russia wins half ukraine? I think they have guns in vietnam and cambodia too. Africa has few if any gun restrictions, i think brazil and much of s america has guns. The problem in this country is the politicians and the media.
If you do a Google search on Dan Akroyd this is how his name is spelled now!
Believe you me he was one of my favorite actors growing up and there was never a second fucking y in his name!
Mandela effect anyone?