Gummy SOP For Sale

If any one wants it from scratch, scales. Been sold for 5k before, DM Me, $500. I know there are other ones out there but I don’t see them in SOP form. Ours is pretty good. Currently using it weekly.


COGS per gram is like 0.006 not including active ingredients. Sourced from smart n final and amazon so you can still shave more off if you source gelatin in bulk as its the most expensive ingredient by far about 50% of the cost.

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For those of you that don’t want to spend $500


for those of us that dont want to use jolly rancher jello boxes and propylene glycol hmu


knox gelatin is not the best or most cost effective in my experience. My recipe makes 1200, 12-13 gram, 25mg or 50mg square legos, depending how you dose it with disty. As are those temps in my experience.

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I really do appreciate all you guys. :heart_eyes:


Let’s see some pictures. What’s the shelf life? Scalable or just by hand? What kind of molds have you ran this through? What type of top coat are you using for this sop, sanding or wax?

7 Likes photos and videos available there.

These are made by hand in silicone molds it looks like. What part of you sop hasn’t been covered here? How to bloom gelatin?


My recipe don’t use any of them products. The gummy recipe is a haribo copy cat recipe from scratch and uses no carrier oil.

It this a vegan recipe??


Doesn’t look like it, lists gelatin as an ingredient on the site.


You are mistaken it is listed as an ingredient on both the CBD and d8 gummies

no its not vegan, its probably similar to you recipe.

I have to make them every week to keep them in stock for 2+ years just saying the recipe doesn’t suck. Its way better than melting down.

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Are you using a depositor or doing these by hand? Why aren’t you making more instead of making them every week?

Something to do with BUD testing?

I only ask for clarification since you say this has sold for 5k and there are a bunch of “from scratch” recipes already shared in the gummy threads. Why is yours worth paying for?


There are multiple proven recipes on this site with community backing. Some from scratch some from remelts. If your recipe is better than by all means please tell us how and I’m sure you will get some takers. But if they aren’t easily better than the free ones why would anyone pay $500?

Just so you know selling it at one point for 5k does nothing to prove it’s superiority.


Can confirm they’re amazing gummies, the chocolate was fire too. Great company to do business with.

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Chocolates kept nice form at room temp?

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They made it to Texas to my business mailbox in perfect condition.

i mean its 500 bucks dude, for a business doing R & D. this recipe and SOP will save time and money. I’m honestly gonna have to raise the price with the amount of hate i’m getting. It’s now 1k.