Gummy recipe and SOP inside

Maybe semi-organic would be the correct term?


I think we all know that term means nothing to you, as you were willing to lie about it before. How does that also apply to all the other label claims you are making?


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He lives right behind me


Wtf are you even talking about? I think you have me confused with someone else?

As long as its hemp derived d8 and not synthetic :wink:

Not at all confused. You were all about calling that GMO cannabis non-GMO because of a language loophole. What changed? What makes this thread any different? We had quite the conversation about it…

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You do realize “GMO” only applies when you add foreign dna to an organism

Making thc p using crispr wouldn’t be adding foreign DNA so im not sure what youre trying to get at here

That’s a semantic loophole if I’ve ever seen one.

Somehow replacing or deleting genes isn’t modification, lol

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As long as theres no foreign dna added its not gmo

Sorry I go by literal definitions and not what i “feel” is right

If you can’t understand that the definition of that phrase has been modified to trick consumers then I don’t really have a leg to stand on here, lol

Kinda like the whole “What is a woman?” argument.


It sounds to me more like GMO was too broad of a term so they shorten it and gave it a more definite definition

A woman is defined as a adult female human being and a female is defined as

So i think its pretty clear what a woman is. Just because you identify as a woman that doesnt make you one

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Just cause you identify your product as organic doesn’t make it so either.


C’mon bud, critical thinking, just look at the words. I get it, you prefer big daddy government’s definition, but just think about it.

They modified the genetics of the plant. Genetically Modified Organism.

Just because Big Ag lobbied to put non-GMO on the label doesn’t mean that the literal thing we’re talking about here didn’t happen.


Lol youre so funny. You do realize to put the organic seal on a product you have to have it certified to do so?

Hows paying back all those fake sops you sold going?

Looks like a nerve was touched.

Okay so you got the “claim” where’s the proof? Just curious In all honesty

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It’s just funny to me how you try and talk about certain things you have no idea about when youve ripped off a bunch of people on here.

So just gonna deflect? Okay cool. Figured you’d atleast have a screen shot

Youre the last person id need to prove anything to :wink:

Im just asking questions others should before taking a jump into an inquiry is all. Don’t need to be so angry cause someone asked a question about the product claim then deflect cause you’re having a tiff about the question.

If I’m completely honest I thought you & Miller were working together since area of relevance but yeah funny to see you two bicker back n forth on gummies.

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Definitely not

Idk how you haven’t seen the other threads of us bickering

Atleast in this one i tried to keep it professional even though he resorted to personal attacks