Gummy filling machines lets go

Its actually 1 min per 500 gummies…SCRAPED…LOL

go suck a gummy bear

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You want to solve the bottleneck huh? Warming, mixing, and scraping the reservoir, right?


Whatcha ya got?

Nothing for these guys! You have the number!!!

@darkcitymolds if you dont mind, im gonna eat your market share cause you left me on read. Have a nice day while you can!


A jacketed mixing tank…?


Shh, it’s a secret


Bing bong


Fire mixer 14

I have a 100l version coming from China


That video was satisfying vs the usual manufacturing bad videos I’ve seen. It was a solid 5+


How does that solve the bottlenecks or increase efficiency? No, not a jacketed pot :rofl::joy:

Are you inventing the depositor now?


We already established that method is useless in tiny little canabis ops with their cute little silicone molds. No one can really afford the proper methods (depositor and starch) so there will need to be compromises made

stagger the batches. for the 8th time.
bottleneck sovled.

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Good looking shatter pour right there… :laughing:

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Looks like you have plenty of time to pour there. My pectin gummies set in like 30 seconds, way too quick. I am going to experiment with slow set pectin now.
Thanks for sharing the video.

Hey I’m wondering if you could help me with a recipe. I saw your video of flood and scrape and decided to not get machine that looks way easier! I have been using a recipe from cannabis confectionery art book and they are sweating even after drying 3 days and not sugar coating.


You can get a truffly made depositor for $12k. That’s not an astronomical outlay.

These are decent machines. Heated bin too.

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“Drying” in what conditions? Cooking parameters? Recipe?

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anybody try this one yet

last time i got anything from bvv was forever ago the fuckin hoses got little microscopic holes in them losing all pressure because it was silicone tubes whereas my AI had stainless ones inside. unit ended up not heating eventually too. i was one angry wook

this thing looks decent though, other than price , reminds me of a giant cart farmer unit

We’d be happy to help you get this figured out…

We could definitely save you 12k to 30k… whatever these desktops are going for…

And save you alot of work hours compared to running these expensive desktop machines…

We are molding 1000 gummies @ 3.5ml in 2 minutes or less

USING A $5 bowl scraper…lol