Gummy filling machines lets go

Whats the max out put of the Truffly made 6L per 8 hour shift? Our kitchen is supposed to be operational in two weeks and I am trying to manage expectations. The goal set forth is 50k in 8 hours, 5 days a week. I am giving myself 3 weeks to dial it in and worst case scenario, work more hours if the 50k isn’t attainable in a true 8 hour day.

idk how realistic that is with that equipment. I think we get ~ half that.

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How long have you been at it? How many wooks/personnel are you using to achieve that 25k? I usually get damn near unattainable goals and just have to figure it out or just put in the hours. I am running out of hours to put in, so I am looking at plan double b+ right now.

We aren’t going balls to the wall, so if you’re whipping your wooks you might be able to. I’m just saying it’s not necessarily going to be easy.


I go by the English rule of thumb. Whippings are mandatory round here.

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I dunno man, you might seriously consider the pour n scrape method. We can fit ~3k gummies in a pot, you would just need to cook ~17 pots worth of gummies which for us generally takes ~1hr per pot depending on recipe.

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This can be done once you find your groove. But that’s quite a bit for that machine. I’d say that’s getting close to the maximum output. You’d need some competent and somewhat skilled, hardworking people.

Your bottle neck is gonna be packaging them.

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I appreciate the feedback. I keep my head in the clouds, but also like to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground. If maxing is 50k, I at least have a bar I’ll try to reach. I am going to tell the owners I am shooting for 25k to start and scale up with experience and sweat equity.

Seriously, thanks for the input.

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Don’t blame you at all. That happens all the time. Companies advertise “100,000,000 units an hour!” all the time. Owners hear that and then really expect it. When a realistic output is like half of what is advertised.

25,000 gummies a shift is very doable. We do it all the time.


We usually see 50% of advertised with the equipment we’ve bought in the past. I didn’t really have a number, so you guys input is at least giving me a baseline.

How about scraping a mogul? :exploding_head:

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I noticed your build out…Nice… too many hot plates… IMO…

Have you reached your goals, of 50K in 8 hours?

Edit… I’d be happy to help you cut that time in half… with smoke breaks

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To much product lost this way…

If you dont have your recipe dialed in or your using the wrong molds, yes…

The only waste we have , is the film in the cook pot.

We are knocking out around 20-30k a day right now with a skeleton crew. I’ll post up some new pictures next week or so.


are you still using the same recipe? or since you are doing pour and scrape has anything changed?

Literally, the only thing in common is the water…

Different: bloom strengths, SOP, tools and Different everything … lol

XD buy the magic printer I text you about!!! @MillerliteRN

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