GIve a small-scale cart filling setup for around 1500 USD

My Amazon homogenizer works perfect on batches under 75g.

Shit was like $125. My cart farmer has multiple uses like filling my disty capsules too. Sucks it can only measure 150mg repeat accurately but it’s faster than most other ways I can fill carts, pods, disposables, and capsules all for personal

I do use my homogenizer on a stirring hot plate too for insurance my shit is mixed right


I would just buy as many all glass syringes as needed to have back ups for if they break. I usually do something dumb and break one every 6 months. Cart farmer is probably a good choice for big batches and continuous filling

Heyyyyyy there ya go, way to come around bud.

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I can sense there is a tone of sarcasm in your statements but I could be wrong haha

Nah man not me, @qma is clearly a genius that has totally changed the cart game!

He’s making 10-20k per day! Money talks, bullshit walks!


That’s a lotta fries

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I bet it’s even more in Mexican strippers!




How you gonna leave out the article


Sidco doesnt like outgoing links, can you just post the article here?

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well atm, im keeping it lowkey, i have the potential to expand to 100.

If your planning on expanding, I’d invest in a cheap homogenizer and a CF50. Heat tape + glass syringe is a fantastic solution for small scale but the cart farmer gun is more accurate and much less carpal tunnel inducing.

Show the paystub making a 1/4m a year working at pyramid!



I’d rather see those Cart Farm monthly revenue reports my guy!

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He posts his sales. They ain’t 10-20k a day numbers.

His store certainly does 6 figures a month though. Seems like a good salary from when I met him.

I’d have to think he’s clearing 50% on this sales.


I must have missed those numbers he posted, I guess I’m just overly optimistic, haha!

Cart Farm 4 lyfe!

He posts his monthly numbers on ig. It’s pretty awesome to think a little niche changed his life.


Hell yeah brother!

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Thats great :+1:

For a startup cannabis business, it might be silly to invest all your available capital ($1000) into equipment that you could instead spend $10 and still meet your cart filling requirements. 100 carts a week isnt enough to induce carpal tunnel IMO, but whatever is clever