GIve a small-scale cart filling setup for around 1500 USD

That is true. I missed the 25 carts part. I actually sell just the product for that:

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Yeah definitely don’t buy a homogenizer for that quantity of carts. I know plenty of labs selling thousands of carts per week that mix their distillate and terps with one of these generic chinese bad boys:

Or like others have said, hotplate with a pyrex dish and a magnetic stir bar. Although a magnetic stirring hot plate that doesn’t suck is likely to be much more expensive than an accurate hot plate w/o stirring and a cheap overhead stirrer.

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I was using your all glass syringe for the past few years. Best 10 bucks ever

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If you’re starting a cannabis business and worrying about $500 In equipment to do it right. You’re in the wrong business. :man_shrugging:t3:


I came up off a nick sack

500 here and there spent willy-nilly adds up to be a lot. Making good decisions is important to surviving the long haul

That’s part of running a business. Doing it right should take precedence in any decision making though. That’s how businesses survive. Not by cutting corners and costs

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I had a homogenizer doing 60 gram runs. I understand cheaping out on filling equipment, but never mixing equipment. Yes the cheap homogenizers are marginally better than a mig stirrer, but there is still a margin.

Most every house has a microwave, and anyone with an oven and a frying pan can make an oil bath

There is nothing wrong with using a glass syringe for a 25 ml run, but after your first interaction with a positive displacement syringe, you will be using it for 2 cart runs. Adding an amazon luer to npt coupling to a 10ml glass syringe, and attaching that to a mondo adapted hsw creates a poverty farmer, a 170 dollar abomination that is actually one of the most powerful research and development tools in a cart maker’s arsenal.


by heat tape + glass syringe do you mean something like a fiftyshot?

No the fifty shot sucks. Use something like this and then I use a heat pad and temp controller from cart farm.

The problem is defining right. It seems that most people simply can’t. Some that can, choose not to - usually, because they know they can hand the bag off to someone else before it becomes a problem.

I find it’s always faster and cheaper to do something right the first time… because doing it again costs an order of magnitude more in the long run.


Just curious, why is it bad? is it just less modular or what?

Why do you guys keep recommending the slowest, least accurate method possible? An Allflex and a household oven can make this very easy.

Metered filling alone will make your life much easier.

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You like plastic with your terps huh?


Honestly, I seem to be alone in this sentiment but a homogenizer is a waste of money. I make thousands of carts a week never touch my homogenizer and have plenty of analytics to show it’s homogeneous. Mind you zero of those carts are disty + botanical terps though so maybe it’s more useful for those but HTE + d9 mixes easy af and if you want to add terps just put it in the HTE before you mix :man_shrugging:


What is your average batch size?

2000 grams

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Oh god the plastics!

Spending 2 minutes exposed to that barrel with a hydrocarbon content below 10% isn’t going to do shit, but if that’s a real concern buy a replacement barrel from Sharrb(they went with stainless steel), problem solved and you’re still in for under $200.


2000 grams of hte reconstituted in to decarbed thca? Next time I go out west can I personally witness this feat?

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2000 grams total batch
clear terps into about 500 grams HTE then stirred into 1500 grams liquid diamonds
Do it 3-5 times a week. Biggest batch I’ve done is 6000 grams because the biggest breaker I have is 8 liters. HTE sees no heat other than residual from the 80 c d9 then I just stir it up. It’s easy as shit. All you got to do is pour the hot d9 into the vessel that already has HTE so you’re not fighting d9 stuck to the side of the vessel. You are welcome to the lab any time you are in town :+1: