Wow, every day I find something new on this site that I can’t believe I missed previously. There’s just so much info here, I love it! A couple of questions:
@goldleaf_scientific Is the crystallization reactor up yet? I was also wondering if that price included the chiller.
@Future In regards to the spreadsheet, was there a specific reactor system that you were basing this on or is the $30,000 a rough estimate?
Rough estimate, reactor + ancillary. However, that may be for 2x setups. Id have to look
In looking at the V2 table, some questions came up:
- Crude Oil Volume calculation looks like it only includes CBD. Wouldn’t we need to account for everything else pulled by dividing the current equation by the crude oil potency?
- Is the DeCarb Loss volume assumed to be water weight? If so, it shouldn’t be included in the formula for calculating Total CBD for Refined Crude Oil, right? I’m also confused as to why the Total Volume and Total CBD for Refined Crude Oil is also switched (not that it matters).
- Total CBD in grams increases from Refined Crude Oil to Distillate, which is not possible. The reasoning for this error is the assumption that one can achieve 85% Distillate potency while yielding as high as 95% volume. By changing the yield of the volume to 75% for 80% potency, the numbers make sense.
- How can we calculate the amount of Total Cannabinoids as CBD from Distillate minus CBD from Isolate? I’m confused.
Thank you again for all that you do!
For the sheet, pretend that 10% is all CBD
Decarb loss is accounting for the mass loss from cooking off the acidic group
I see the error in the increase, I think if we change cell F14 to =F12 * D14 * D13 it solves the problem
Shouldn’t say total cannabinoids if we are only counting the initial % as CBD only. Should add a row up top so we can account for total CBD as well as total other cannabinoids
And I should be more clear about the fact that we are starting with CBDa and decarbing to CBD
@goldleaf_scientific how about you deliver our reactor in the time you quoted. Was told 1-2 weeks on October 9th but now your company is not even returning emails on Nov. 1st. We should have had our reactor weeks ago and you said it needed a crate and would be shipped this week. Then just to give us complete radio silence is beyond unacceptable. Also quite sketchy your phone number doesn’t work. I was trying to be patient but at some point someone has to hold you all accountable. Bad business from you guys all around!
Is there a reason the Eden Coldfinger isn’t on the list?
I used GLG affiliates equipment everywhere possible. Also, I don’t even know what an Eden Coldfinger is
It’s a big overly engineered agitated pot still reactor debuted at terpenes and testing conference 2018, I was there and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. Neither did anyone else.
There’s a reason you don’t see them around.
Actually, I saw one of those in the corner of a lab earlier this year, covered in dust… Are those 3 heaters on the bottom of the pot?
Yes I believe so, I know there’s an agitator in there somewhere.
it’s a fairly versatile piece of lab art. I believe it can be used for steam distillation of terpenes, as an extraction vessel (ethanol), and as a recovery still. guessing you can ferment in it too.
you can do all of those a beer keg
I’d certainly take one if the price was right…
edit: yay, memory still partially intact!
Been more than a year since I chatted with Fritz about this thing…and yeah, conversation started with “WTF is that?”
Hi, thanks for the SpreadSheet.
Very nice Job.
I would like to heighlight a small mistake. In the green tables the Total CBD (in grams) for distillate is heigher than for Refined Crude Oil. It must be impossible (you can’t creat mass).
In my opinoin, it because your Distillate Yield is way to high !!!
Thanks for the very usefull equipement liste
Wow thanks @Future and everyone that helped!
Total CBD for Refined Crude is 2189g
Total CBD for Distillate is 1768g
Thats 421g less.
@Future. It could be that I don’t understand the calculations, but I think this is still an issue. The Total Volume(in grams) calculation for crude oil should be used for Total CBD(in grams)
Then Total CBD(in grams) divided by Crude Extract Potency will give Total Volume(in grams)
The latest, v2, but total CBD not total volume
I’m seeing the same table than Cyclopath.
I don’t understand where your 1768g is come from.
I also valide the comment of @blackie and @WeedChemist. In the current table, The total Volume(in grams) calculation for crude oil should be used for Total CBD(in grams).
And then calcule the Total Volume(in grams) from Total CBD(in grams) and potency.
This small mistake impact a lot the rest of the table.
Finaly 95% for Distillate Yield (apply on Total Volume (in grams) cannot be trust.
Again thank for the work, comments is juste improvement, not for blame