Perhaps that’s some of the unknowns in test results haha.
you could run some limonene over it. you don’t need to dry it to use that as a solvent.
Just add your wet biomass to a giant pot on a propane burner Asian style. Or Mexican style… I guess maybe southern style too. Anyways you don’t have to dry it just don’t let it sit to mold.
Add a bunch of your favorite cooking oil enough to saturate 1 Lb. Let’s say 5 gallons. So you have 5 gallons of avocado oil in a giant ethnic pot heating on a propane burner. Add maybe 2 gallons of clean filtered water. Prepare biomass bags (all mesh ) with small amounts of your wet biomass. I do 1 Lb dry weight but we’re talking wet so idk… Dunk bags in your solution for Max 5 min. Drain bags via gravity for 1 min and Use a panda to centrifuge out the residual liquids. Replenish the ethnic pot with reclaimed liquids. Once you are done extracting, you can let the water/oil cool down. Use a set funnel or siphon to separate the layers. The water is garbage and must be removed to inhibit mold growth. Dry the oil layer with molecular sieve beads. Filter the oil solution to minimum 5 micron. Sterilize/ finish drying the oil via pasteurization
Am I crazy or what
Good 5star bubble hash goes for like 50-75/ gram.
Rosin pressed into diamonds and Live Rosin goes for even more.
Theres gotta be a sweet spot of getting the most 5star resin and still having enuf to make it worth it to ETOH extract.
GMO is always the best hash and rosin round these parts.
That one guy made the purple rosin diamonds tho WOW!!
Where have you seen purple rosin diamonds?
Couldnt you just etoh wash after. Lol.
Does washing ever get get 100% even with multiple washes? Never made hash
Water ruins ethanol
And there it is lol
I was like why hasnt anybody said this yet. Now i know (i knew waterr ruins alcohol just too high to put 2 and 2 together right now. Lol)
Honestly. I’ve tried solventless purple diamonds. You might as well just light your nose hairs on fire.
Pretty hype color. Garbage taste.
Amazing picture. I once helped someone convert CBD to THC and we then distilled as the last part to get pure THC. As we poured the collected THC into a vial it was reacting with air and light and in front of our eyes turned a rose pink color just like these diamonds.
@moveweight its a pure/isolated chemical. No way a pure chemical is going to have a good taste unfortunately. Unless its like a pure terp I guess.
stoned loses scissors
This is something I’ve been thinking of late.
Do you wash your material right at harvest Thedawg?
Been thinking of the contaminants and dust that settles on my plant through its life. I’m growing in a room in my basement, isn’t ideal for the cleanest grow. Probably some of it making it into my bubble hash, is pre-washing material before freezing a reasonable thing to do?
some dip the entire plant in 2%v hydrogen peroxide before hanging to dry…
see: Powdery mildew help - #12 by cyclopath
you don’t want any water on the trichomes when you freeze so “fresh” frozen might mean hung for 24hrs then frozen.
how does winterizing with ethanol count as “solvent-less”?!?
I agree the Co2 guys try that nonsense on their customers all the time, but I don’t understand why you would feed that line to yourself…
“solvent-free” might be appropriate
you can get to distillate without solvent…
see: Stabilizing high potency THC (thank you @Beaker!)
Yes, I have recently come across the hydrogen peroxide bucket dip method. Or seen guys using lemon juice in place of H202.
I am really on the fence with actually including this into my harvest procedures, maybe just because it seems a little silly to dunk my plants in buckets of water. I just wonder how much benefit I would see in my end hash product from adding a pre-wash like this.
My bubble hash have come out green/brownish and never looking like that white sand 6* I see in videos. I realize that I have been agitating a little to aggressively, as well as using cubes that had some sharp edges, which I assume added some plant material to the final product.
Im about 3 weeks away from harvest and want to have the best plan for the best outcome, planning on freezing 60-75% of it for FF hash and then rosin. I am unfortunately lacking a freeze dryer currently, so I am still working on the ideal solution there.
Anyone doing any sort of pre-wash like this at harvest with beneficial results? I would imagine a really dirty and dusty outdoor grow seeing some benefit, but not too sure if its worthwhile for an indoor tent/room grow.
Yes I dip my plant in a solution of 5ml of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide per gallon then I hang to dry with a fan blowing on it for 24 hours. I have strains that Im able get up to 25% return on squishing my flower. With Bubble I’m lucky to get 10% return (washing the flower). I have been experimenting with Rosin since the early hair straightener days and chemistry has always intrigued me which is why I will further refine my rosin in a short path
Well sir as you know ethanol is a solute as the water in ethanol is the solvent. So in reality “solvent-free” is also a misrepresentation of the actual product I will be making. Some say Tamatoe and some say Tomato and Al Gore invented the internet, In short its all a marketing ploy
The benefit to washing before any extraction is done is to provide the cleanest product possible
Edit: Make sure your water is warm as my first wash I did with cold water and I did leave some trichomes behind
water is a solvent.