Fraction Finder Reviews

If they both separate with a delay in flow you can see one peak vs repeated peak. It’s a in flow method.

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Yes, works fine with water clear terps… No two items are perfectly alike in both color & reflectance.


sounds a lot like


So actually it’s more like how every single uv system in hplc works. Has nothing to do with light blockage. It’s about when the fluid pathway itself triggers the visible uv you are looking for.

@spdking I’m going to be using your fraction finder on the bottom of a chromatography column tomorrow- got any insight on how you would set it up for reverse phase?

Planning on making a video demo, running method development on a reverse phase dcvc, sorta different sorta neat hoping it helps smooth the process out


I like then for training and for people new to the industry, as wel as theyre awesome for chromatography work and understanding fractions with silica 60… we worked pretty hard on the features… id like to think that even if there was a competitor coming out with something similar people realize that someone with a similar product may not be offering the same features… just a bare bones setup… the FF also connects to the apollo system and athena system to control nearly every parameter of the summit gear including the mantle… even from far away.

Kinda find it funny that as soon as a product comes out thats original and worth some serious consideration everyones up for copying it… no shame in Capitalism, let no original idea be stomped on…


yet completely novel and not based on prior art…

:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

ain’t nothing wrong with standing on the shoulders of giants.
so long as you’re aware exactly where you’re perched.

denying the existence of said giants is, however, a boneheaded maneuver.


Some video on its implanted features.


Hey @Apothecary36, I just want to add a few notes about these new applications that we’re venturing into:

Fraction Finder for Chromatography:

As you wrote - yes - it could potentially be difficult to identify very low concentrations of cannabinoids with the current Fraction Finder. Although, we do have a few innovative users in the field experimenting with using their FF for this application, such as @vene.ficium, and we are reviewing any run data that is sent to us. With that said, this is something that has been widely requested by our user base (and it was actually the topic of our first conversation with @Future). Over the next month or so, we will be in-field testing an ultra-high sensitivity version Fraction Finder sensor, which contains an advanced filter, with our R&D partners, such as @anon42519203.

Fraction Finder for Extraction:

Currently, the kit that we sell is neither C1D2 nor C1D1 listed. While the kit is designed to be suitable for C1D2 environments (hence the polycarbonate shield around the sensor and custom AMP sight glass), it has not officially been certified as C1D2. The kit is NOT designed for C1D1 environments. We expect to have official C1D2 by mid-year - and potentially a C1D1 design and certification by the end of this year. We state all of this explicitly on our website page for the Fraction Finder for Ethanol Extraction.


If there is any way to help further the data when it comes to chromatography and the fraction finder, I would be happy to help. We run c18 columns to remediate thc and have in house analytics as well to confirm each fraction is non detectable thc.

The only thing preventing me from buying a fraction finder is the lack of experience arometrix has with using it in this field. It sounds like that is changing and I would love to help if there is anyways I can.


I need a c1d1 model like yesterday… Lol :joy:


Working on it. Trust me - when we have that we’re going to scream it from the rooftops.


So does that mean you gon give me an ultra high sensitivity sensor to play with?

  • Vene

What a strange anachronism of where this industry is at. 4000 a pop? Its a toy lmao Only a fool would buy this trinket, let alone decide to connect it to a column. Probably not rated for c1d1 environments either. Cowboys. Use column volumes to know when your compound will elute, you dont need a detector - you shoulda figured out your CVs during your method development :hushed: same for distillation, you don’t need a fraction finder toy

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It’s designed to help people learn.

You sound like the people who refused to put down the slide rule and talked shit on calculators when they were invented.

Have you ever used an LC/ELSD on a column? Is that also a toy to you?

Your attitude stinks and you likely are all theory and no game. Have fun scratching out your calculations- some people have work to do, deadlines to meet, and labor costs to control.

Lol McDonalds replaced the cashiers with robots, you clearly are coming next- the engineers are working tirelessly to retire folks like you as you’re kind of insufferable.


Its a rip off — if you actually took the time to understand chromatography you would realize what a fool’s eranand it is to buy this toy. The price of four of these things I am sitting happy with a Biotage flash 400 :stuck_out_tongue:. Theres a reason why you would never see such a toy in established industries (not cannabis). Run a TLC plate to figure out when the compound will elute

Sheesh such a sensitive dude. And then u drop anachronisms to try and seem smart? Get real my guy. You sound like the type that shits on others for wanting to learn and understand what the hell theyre doing and not route button pressing and memorization. You probably look down on those with an education because you’re insecure and couldn’t hack it in a science program. Would you even know where to begin if you had to develop a chromatography method. Or let alone where to start to validate such a method? Or how would you optimize a separation when peak of interest co elutes with a nearby peak?

Oh wait, you probably will pay a “consultant” a bunch if money to teach you something you probably would have learned in a chem class but you likely were to “cool” and “independent” for any kind of “fancy booklearninz”

Lets not forget these aren’t rated for C1D1 so you are a fool for wanting to use this at any kind of scale…

And if you’re going to claim you are somehow in dispensable, a robot can surely replace yourself as well

Shut down drops mic

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Lol :joy: look another @YeahBet coming along to let us all smell their inferiority complex

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So much for an open community that is open to hearing other ideas. And you just prove that you’ve got nothing . Have fun with your toy buddy boy if you want to waste your money like that it’s on you

And I havent even been on the site an hour and I’ve looked at some of your posts and boy are you a real asshole but it seems like you can dish it out but you can’t take it @Rowan😛

Oh go fan your fedora somewhere else you dweeb.

So tell us Mr. scientist how would we go about developing a method??? Or maybe you can tell me how do I reduce the effect of band broadening on my preparatory column ? Or wait a minute my retention times are shifting maybe you can tell me why that might be happening my guy ? And you pass yourself off as a consultant Man what a jokeYou’re all talk man and you’re lucky to be where you are because you don’t have the knowledge. Maybe you should learn a thing or two about humility

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