Fraction Finder Reviews

I’m so so on that quote applying to pre testing or being an alternative for anything outside of spd functions but I at least read and understand now. Have a good afternoon. Snow day and family illness freed me up just recently.

Lmao sorry. Did you need a rosin finder?


Have a better day dude!

That’s literally what the “Extraction Finder” is supposed to do. The arometrix website is down, but some of their marketing materials are still findable:

Pulled from here this PDF:

Pulled from this PDF:


Maybe, but I sure as fuck didn’t need a bullshit finder to know you’ve been talking out your ass!

Look at that grammar, bb. You got thump’d early today huh? I’m sure there’ll be a workshop coming up soon full of people who don’t know you who you can big brother until they realize who you are like OKC.


This is literally the most amazing marketing education moment ever on not over selling or underselling a product.

Lmao I’d hate to sell you something but I kinda wanna see what good reviews look like.

Like this:

Or this:


Hate or praise. No middle ground. I like that.

If someone was unbanned this thread would be 3x in commentary lol my inbox is on fire @sidco @Future @Sidco_Cat I need an unknown raise lol

I wasn’t hired to be yalls

28 posts were split to a new topic: Moveweight Bologna

Only if you’re using your customer base to finish out your half assed R&D… I collected a hundred or more gigabytes of floating point number data BEFORE we shipped to production because we actually respect our customers and wanted their system to actually WORK when they got it. The amount of simulations and visualizations I wrote just to sanity check our data was insane. My point being: I felt good about sending our software into production because I had already spent a year beating it up beforehand. There was little left to break.


yes, own an HPLC and two GC’s

Yes i’ve ordered testing more times than i can count.

Yes i’ve sent in 2-4 blind samples multiple times to multiple labs.

I’ve done this to vet labs and find a lab that will openly talk about their methods so we can also get comparable results, i spent two years in hemp doing in house testing and 3rd party testing that was within 3% max variance 90% of the time and when it wasnt they would happily retest for me and compare results openly. sometimes we made a mistake and sometimes they did.

I wasnt in a world of laughter, i was working a process to find a lab that was actually reliable. sure i laughed at some of the bad labs but whats your point?

I bought a fraction finder to save time during extraction runs and chromatography. I was part of their R&D program and worked with them in the beginning using one of @Lincoln20XX extraction finders that then leaked, so was sent in for repair and tested and sent back to me for more use. it helped me find the start of my first fraction (think 100l columns with 1200liters of mobile phase per run) and also the end of our column flush, we would run until the readings subsided. everything in between that was pretty much the same signal and completely unhelpful and still required sampling and hplc to find our thc fraction cut off.

The implementation on a centrifuge should tell us more, and if there is a peak listed as thc why on earth would they allow impurities to also trigger that peak knowing it would cause false readings without sharing that to clients?? They should not have a thc retention range and a cbd retention range without clearly stating that peak WILL also read positive with things other than cbd and thc.


Sarcasm for a science forum is like nails on a chalk board. I so dearly enjoyed seeing 25%+ GC potency swings.

The point was its all a joke, but it isn’t funny.

Ironic. Maybe.

Was saving time one of the listed benefits?

If they’re identifying THC by this broad-assed peak I’m gonna have to take the next half hour off laughing.


Who is to say they don’t collect data?

Who is to say they didn’t have preset data?

Who is to say that data can’t evolve from your customers?

Do you know their business? Asking because of your experience sounding so similar in firmware (hardware and programming) manufacturing

Maybe they spent a year+ beating it up before hand too?

You testing your gas yet bro?

OG Analytical standard…


Talk to me about broad-ass peaks @ 450-475 nm



Can the FF be hooked up to a PC? I wonder if it would work with spectragryph


About to ask permission and just fuck with one lol

If so firmware hax

Everyone so mad I shut down haters: ligma

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Never said they didn’t collect data, I’m sure they had to collect all kinds of data to even build the damn thing. Your argument to build off customer R&D was what I took issue with because I had more than enough data to collect profiles for the specific targets I was looking for. I didn’t need to poll my customers data to generate profiles from. While new data is always good to have, you shouldn’t put out a product like this without giving a big ass disclaimer that you’re probably not going to get any meaningful results unless you are running the limited use cases the mfg outlined.

I dunno man, I really want these devices to work, they would be sick as fuck to implement in numerous places along the production pathway. Just seems like the tech isn’t ready yet.


I don’t know the history so I’m looking for more communication.

I respect your view, but as a customer that’s implying they didn’t do the hard work to get started and here they are…