First time making diamonds what do I need YES IVE READ The sops

Nah seriously.

Best way to learn this is to have someone walk you through it.

Nope, that’s not how lots of the folks here made it to where they are, but it is still the safest route.

Unless your choice of mentor involves folks who have trouble understanding why you Don’t put extract on your stove


Cyclopath wasn’t the one that offered so you may wanna work on looking like you’re actually reading what people write while asking about explody gasses


This is gold


That was a first effort, too! :wink:


My bad rosin and Waking up from a long night will do that

Tagged fixed

I’m just saying it doesn’t look like you’re paying much attention and any good teacher values safety and precautions more than teaching the actual subject especially when dealing with things like this. Long night, short night, lots of rosin, no rosin - explosions and fires are explosions and fires and they don’t care what kind of state you’re in.


Well I’m just asking question but if someone wants to school or mentor me. They’ll know and feel I put all my heart into it

Have you ever had tomato gravy over good cat head biscuits? My mom makes the best on earth.


Top Tier, and you’ve never made hash?

…and you’d like to start with “diamonds”…

I recommend EHO and Squish as appropriate starting points. You can certainly choose another route. A trusted guide to get you through the first couple of attempts is a solid response. On the job training is another…

Edit: anyone know if hutzpah is actually flammable? Or is it just a source of ignition?


Seems like you’re intent on doing this the wrong way from the start… my only advice on open blasting is DON’T FUCKING DO IT.


I just came home from giving the dog a ride around town (she was begging for a ride and has been SUCH a good girl) - I come home and what the fuck is on my front step!? A MISDELIVERED GRUBHUB ORDER WITH A BREAKFAST BURRITO.


Sheeiiit! I call that livin in high cotton!


Now weren’t we also talking about heat sealed bricks of a million dollars, right? ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION, WHATEVER ENTITY SENT ME THIS BURRITO?!


Nonsequential, mind. Don’t want none of that Eagle Eye shit kicking down your door! Fuck that was a good movie.


Bro is a walking meme at this point


All I can think about is the plot of No Country For Old Men now but with my breakfast burrito being the object of the killing spree instead of cash

It was good enough I’d fuck his bowl cut up for it though.

HOW CAN YOU MEME BUSINESS SUCCESS!? We’re all just living in his world.

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I really don’t think this is what Darwin had in mind, but I guess we gotta evolve somehow…

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I can dream can’t I and I’ve made rso,dmt,carts,disposables,drinks,syrups,gummies,compounding Pharmaceuticals. I’m pretty sure I can handle some washing and blasting. Might not get it the first try but hey that’s where we start. The top tier not bad name plus apple started in a garage so take it easy.

The top tier is for flower,extracts and etc.

You gotta start somewhere right

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This is turning into a wook’s dream resume…


just because stevie wrote some code in his garage doesn’t mean you should be open blasting flammable solvents in yours…