Fast acting tincture formulation

I’ve been a long-time lurker on these forums, so please excuse my first-time poster anxiety.

[Takes some homebrewed CBD 20:1 tincture, holds under tongue for 30 seconds]

+90 minutes

So that’s the problem I’m having - my CBD infused MCT oil isolate tincture takes nearly 90 minutes to kick in, sometimes even longer. Is there a way to speed up the onset? I’m holding the oil under my tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing.

My current method is archaic - warm up some MCT oil, mix in desired CBD isolate and D9 distillate until fully dissolved, bottle it up, then shake vigorously.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, many thanks!

PS: Mods, if this thread is in the wrong category, please feel free to move it accordingly.

Have you tried turning it into a cellular wafer?


You could try some gold flaked alcohol

" Why do they put gold in Goldschläger?

A general consensus about Goldschläger is that the pieces of gold cut your throat, making allowing the alcohol to go directly into your blood stream, making you incredibly drunk, incredibly fast. "

Or look into the enzymes your body uses to metabolize cannabinoids. I think 11 hydroxy thc is what your body converts d9 into.


Add 5-10% liquid sunflower lecithin and try that

I would be interested in making you a mixture identical to yours that is homogenized for your feedback on the onset versus unhomogenized. If you’re down let me know


Welcome to the community @chinoloco. I agree with @Tom and suggest you take him up on his offer. How much it will decrease uptake time, I cannot say with any reasonable certainty. Too many variables, and it isn’t a trick I have performed yet. Probably will do so this weekend, though, as I am currently out of tincture and overdue to make more.

I use a similar method to you for homogenizing product outside the lab, but after I jar it in bulk, I keep it gently heated for an hour or three and continue to vigorously shake the jar every 10 or 15 minutes.

Cellular wafers, as @raghanded suggested, is another option, but it may be more work than you are looking to do at home. The thread and process is still worth the read, though, especially if it works as well as it is reported to.


Thanks for warm welcome Akoyeh.

@Lil_Kelpy - Brilliant, I shall note this on evenings when I drink - faster alcohol in my bloodstream = great effiency! lol I’m not familiar with 11 hydroxy, but I shall Google

@Tom Cool, I’ll PM you and share a tincture for a tincture!

@Akoyeh Interesting, I usually only leave mine heated for about 15-30 minutes. I boil a pot of water, turn it off, place the tincture bottle directly in the water, then leave it to homogenize. Why do you leave it heated for longer? Does it homogenize better?

Many thanks for the input


I always used an 80% ethanol 10% water 10% honey in a fine mist sprayer, maybe a lil lemon in there too.

Couple spritzes usually got the job done quickly.

An ethanol solution would permeate the barriers in the mouth better, the issue of course being that ethanol isn’t particularly good for you.


I’ve considered ethanol tinctures, but some of the loved ones I make these for are older and alcohol doesn’t really appeal to them.

@raghanded - How do I turn it into a cellular wafer?

Don’t google.

…now generalize.


An ethanol tincture won’t be enough to get you drunk for what it’s worth…

It’s just a highly effective carrier for your cannabinoids

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I like the “99” brand of flavored schnapps as a carrier.


Or if you want to come at it from that direction.

Grok that for the porpoises :dolphin: :dolphin: of drug delivery, I am willing to stretch the definition of skin to include your cake hole if you hold it there rather than swallow.


It was a tongue in cheek suggestion, @Tom gave good advice and probably the simplest. 90 minutes seems pretty unusual in terms of onset time IME with mct as a carrier though

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tincture in cheek…


peak?!? (implying too low a dose, or maybe even wrong cannabinoid ratio)

wondering what you’re using as a measuring stick?
relief from anxiety?!?
have you gone higher?

haz you huff it?
haz you added more THC?

if you want your drugs to be effective, treat them like drugs

spoon, cannabinoids, MCT, lighter.

don’t burn your lips on the spoon!

I generally only resort to that approach when oblivious or unconscious is the goal. never taken no 90min to kick in. faster would absolutely be helpful

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Your profile is on private, so I am unable to DM

Write a new message and put his name at the top


Have you gotten around to exploring the “11 hydroxy” clue you were handed?

Do you understand the relevance of “does your chosen cannabinoid ratio work when smoked?”

Maybe your mother suggested ignoring @cyclopaths on the internet was a decent strategy?

Its my contention she was wrong; and it’s also possible the enzymology she (or your father) handed you is responsible for your slow acting tincture.

No need to answer clarifying questions, if you don’t want to explore solutions, but you steeled yourself and took tincture, then waited 90min before posting, so it seems you really would like to wrap your head around this…

Eg: were you aware that GENETICS is behind Edibles not working on some people

seriously….if you want to explore this, you need to be an active participant.

Could it be as simple as “homogenize”? Maybe.

It could also be yo mama (Or you father), or even a de-novo mutation unique to you.

It could also be the 20:1 ratio you’re using.

You’re trying to modulate your endocannabinoid system with exogenously applied cannabinoids. What data do you have to indicate that 20:1 CBD:THC is correct?

For most folks, “activation time” is harder to gauge with CBD than THC, which makes handing your tincture to someone else and asking “how long till you feel it” harder to implement.

You could work around that with a THC based tincture if you can tolerate those.

Have you thrown tincture made by others at the problem? Was the timing similar?

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100g MCT oil
20g decarbed CBD isolate
1.05g 95% THC Distillate

Would give 200mg cbd, 10mg thc per 1g MCT

Could easily be administered orally with a 1ml syringe directly into the mouth. For half dose, half syringe

I could get this formulation made and sent to you tomorrow. I will homogenize it at 180f 30k rpm for a minute. I would like to talk to you first about the exact specifications of your mix and how it is currently made

I know lecithin will help but I’m really curious for feedback on the same mix you’re using just homogenized


Thank you @Tom

(Ethanol +) lecithin should absolutely speed up delivery for most use cases.

Don’t expect the high shear will change onset, but certainly curious.
