Extractor Pay Discussion

I was always union. I got a mild raise and couldnt be fired unless i really fucked up.

With that mri officially out of the way I truly now know what a Chinese apartment feels like!

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My current thoughts on the industry:


A hungry one @Soxhlet expressed his start in the biz at a lower paying job to gain experience. I started out at 30k a year 70 hour weeks with no benefits. Itā€™s also common in the culinary world to work for litterally free to gain experience. Some times if you want it bad enough you can work hard af for it


I got one and they had music piped in through air powered earphones, still stunk and it says my knee is ok but it isnt.

But you gotta know when to stop


The thing is, you should be given the opportunity to work hard for it.

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Im willing to start as a budtender- the money in this biz is on sales end and the growers will end up like all farmers= busting ass to make a good living while a store owner is gettting rich off the product. dispensaries are new in my state, I could easly see becoming the manager of a new store, then buying my own store with backers. I could also manage a fleet of drivers and own the trucks who deliver product from gardens to dispensaries.

Where is this?

You can work for me @thumper. You can start at $15 an hour with reviews at 3,6, and 12 months for a ā€œpossibleā€ raise.

Forgot the best part. 4 year college defeee preferred.


someone asked me for a job yesteday hire them I cant move to florida- i got a dog in school here.

South Florida.

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Yup for me it was when my resting heart rate was like 130 and I got offered 75k to leave :call_me_hand:


but you kept growing pot while working right?

Nope I didnā€™t do shit outside of that salary

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thats a big move for me. you actually had to buy weed? i only smoke an oz every 2 weeks but that would cost 800 a month? LMAO thats like a min wage job. not in my county im near chicago and min wages are high.

BTW dope talk folks, these conversations give me hope for the future. I was feeling pretty down and out before.

Key take aways from this talk.

Establish your value.

Be persistent

Know what you know (do not over sell yourself) that leads to burnout when taking on varieties of rolls.

If you can (as was in my case) get out on your own.

Charge the Chadā€™s YOUR rate, not what they think youā€™re worth (especially if you take on a whole roll) Nothing pisses me off more than someone presuming I donā€™t know the value of the products I am producing.


Extreme ownership is killer book that all humans should read lol


Paid by the hour or paid by the job? I like by the job. Iā€™m fast Iā€™m good. The more I know the faster and better I do. Some like paid by the hour. Like the milkman. How can you equate time to monetary value. The more you do a task the better and faster you get. So the better you are the more you devalue your labor. Seems that only the novice wins that game. And broke-ness is a disease. A contagious disease.


Clearly, he did what he did to get to where he is, meaning thereā€™s a time limit on an employee like that, as well as a major rarity. Like others have said, many are stuck with the broke mentality, or are content with earning enough to pay bills and enjoy the rest of their time with leisure.

Iā€™ve started jobs as a temp worker just to get a foot in the door. Most temp workers Iā€™ve met are professional milkers with broke mindsets because the faster they worked, the faster they were out of a job. The good ones didnā€™t stick around long. Thatā€™s a good way to create a work environment where everyone is working just hard enough not to get fired. So low morale. low production, lots of jokers and people fucking off, high drug use, and heavy turnover rate. Constantly training new employees who were likely gone in 2-3months. That company created a lot of their competition by paying their foremen and top workers like shit as well.

Iā€™ve been a part of a start up and agreed to work for free until the company was off the ground, then Iā€™d get back pay, equity in the company, and be one of the heads of the company. Worked for 2 months for basically room and board, literally lived there for 2-3 weeks at a time, on call 24/7. Iā€™d by no means brag about this experience, thatā€™s one of the many lessons Iā€™ve learned in life the hard way.

I guess thatā€™s capitalism. We are all free to run a business how we best see fit.