Extracting and winterizing while skipping the butane

The income or the herb? If I may ask? To survive? You mentioned you have a job. And is your neighbor and their possessions/ family negligible if it’s for money?

boyo…I was wondering how someone can take weed and ethanol and come up with that chocolate brown goop.
Reading 100 or so of your posts explains everything…


Maybe re read them then, because that wasn’t ethanol and weed.

How the fuck did you even? Did you use acetone on that?

Those lids aren’t just glass they’re polycarbonate…

Honestly the ethanol isn’t bad for apartments it’s the building a whole ass lab that can be fucky.

… It’s safe in an apartment as long as you’re not a dumbass and use common sense… I think that it’s not safe when you decide to make it unsafe

I think it’s not safe when you’re disobeying or disregarding safety measures and I think that if anything to anyone using ethanol indoors, for the sake of yourself and others: Have a fuckin’ fire extinguisher that is rated to put out chemical and electrical fires.

Source turbo site give winterizing instructions with d.e. And a.c. …

So small scale and getting yellow concentrates via ethanol is a thing and it’s marketed …

Should it be, maybe not but it’s pretty nice to have the option :octopus:

Not compatible with acrylic or polycarbonate.

Glass or stainless are appropriate.

You can get coated polycarbonate, but you lose the coating at penetrations so it’s kind of pointless.


I’ve had my vac chamber and this lid since like 2009. Never had a problem with it. I was impatient and tried to do the bulk of my ethanol purge in the vac chamber because I was instructed not to just let the solution air dry. Figured I’d get 1 or 2 purges before it cracked. The moment that the solvent started to condense on the lid it cracked, within an hour. I didn’t realize it would happen that fast. Lesson learned. Now I have a glass one.


I’m not trying to build a whole ass lab at all. I’m just trying to make concentrates with my trim for my regulars that like dab. I’m such small scale, dealing with probably 1 liter of solution max at a time. There are no open flames anywhere, or sparks or any of that shit. There’s no way for the everclear to ignite at all.

If you’re near an open outlet or any appliance/ instrument that’s not ul listed you have spark.

What are some examples of things that would not be UL or ETL listed? I’m aware of outlets, but what else? I was under the impression that anything installed in any residence must be UL listed or they can’t install it. Excluding appliances you buy yourself.

It could be as simple as a fan to be honest. I’m not aware of what you have in your area, but some contractors tend to use shitty fixtures and on occasion doing electrical I’ve come across exposed wires in homes behind wall plates & or in breaker boxes, I always cap them or terminate the line completely if possible. Your cable tv box is a possibility as well, if you have one. In some cases light sockets can have exposure and cause fumes to go up as well.

I’m not in any way trying to down play your precautions you’ve taken thus far, just trying to help add some perspective to think about when doing such things even with etoh in a complex.

Just do your due diligence within all the aspects of your safety and those around you and I wish you good luck on your venture.

Also make sure you yourself are grounded literally, static is another factor to think about.

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Second :octopus::grinning:

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GFI Outlets are Recommended

ESD Shoe Straps are a solid choice too.

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somebody is evaporating ethanol/ water in a vac chamber?? You were advised to do that?
you are trying to make dabs from your trim?
in an apartment building…???

some one here mentioned sifting trichomes with bags and ice cubes. I agree. Listen to what people are telling you.


For safety’s sake yes , one should most likely and probably be using solventless methods of making dabs if you’re in an apartment.

I just hate to be the one to say they sell home equipment for making dabs like the Source Turbo or the ETOH Pro…

Was this supposed to be aimed at me? I think this is supposed to be aimed at OP…

I just realized that after I commented

It was mistakenly appended as a reply to your notes.
No it was just some very simple advice for the OP.

Yes…that is exactly what I was saying.

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