Extracting and winterizing while skipping the butane

The green is chlorophyll, it’ll leach into your extract… the more you break/rip/tear/sheer the plants structure, the more “crap” you’ll end up with in the extract and the more “crap” you have… typically, the darker the extract will be.

Yeah I know that now. So I won’t be doing that ever again. I’m hoping I can get most of the green out with AC. I was apprehensive about using it since there was alot of talk about it absorbing thca but upon further reading it looks like that’s been overstated.

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solid advice. having destroyed it, using it to pursue additional learning is not inappropriate.

I personally would have tried a dry ice cold qwet through/not-through a britta as my first go…

did you buy/build a cold trap? did you show us? (can you link it?)

they are essentially condensers, so you can absolutely use them as such.

as mentioned up thread you want to change the inlet diptube length if the goal is solvent recovery not “protecting my vac pump”.

probably. “aquarium grade” absolutely stole much of mine on my first attempt. once upon a time…but I had a GC to guide me, and using the right carbon source changes the equation.

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Fuck man, I really want to save it if I can. It was good quality trim.

Not yet. I didn’t want to spend any more money until I had to.

Yeah I sent that stonylabs pump back and got a cheaper diaphragm pump that can hit full vac. I hate my rotary vane pump, I live in an apt and it’s so fucking loud I’m worried it might disturb my neighbors. I was just going to put 2 holes in a mason jar lid put some cold everclear in the bottom and submerge a coil of tube in it, then drop that mason jar in ice water in a bucket or something.

it’s inside the jar?

is this going post pump? 'cause I don’t see it holding vac well.

is this just for final purge after evaporating most off at rm temp with a fan?

wrap you head around this… it’s a chart of boiling points for ethanol at various vacuum depths.

it says you need to be able to control your vacuum level if you’re trying to boil (recover solvent) at a specific temp, or condense at a specific temp (ballpark 20C lower than BP) using that jar. I suggest 25.5-26" as your target. which should allow you to use ice water to condense. just use a 1/4" copper coil in your ice water bath. and a two hole rubber stopper into a vessel that will take vac.

searching for “controlled leak” should get you the poor mans version of vacuum level control. once you’ve got MOST of your solvent back, you turn up the vac level (slowly) and swap in dry ice, to catch the last of your solvent. but you should probably keep that stuff separate anyway. because it has probably changed proof.

alll this and more has been covered.

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Save yourself the time, don’t get hung up on this. My advice is do what you can, due to the circumstances it won’t be perfect or even what you want, learn from it and move on.

Another suggestion… if you want to push the limits of the quality you’re getting, extract flower, not trim. I know not everyone can afford/has access to doing this, but if you can, forget the trim entirely because with flower… the results are significantly better.

yes the tube will be inside the jar.

This will be in between my vac chamber and pump. I was planning on using this to do the bulk recovery since I don’t have a rotovap. I have a glass lid for the vac chamber.

dang, only 18c at 28"? Right now I hit it with full vac (or as far as my vac will take it) close the valves and let it sit at 34c. I was just going to run the pump until the solution was down to 5ish%. Maybe put the wash solution in a beaker and put one of those glass lid cover things on top of the beaker to keep it from splashing all over my chamber.

Yeah I know, but I’m not going to just throw that trim away, or throw away any trim in the future. I’ve usually got a good 4-6 oz of smaller buds that nobody ever wants to buy that end up as last resort weed for my regulars or weed that I smoke on myself (I never smoke any of the big pretty nugs I harvest because that all goes to my regulars)

how does that get solvent out?

sure. but without a controlled leak, you WILL bump. even with one, you probably will without agitation. I know this because I’ve done it. so make sure the outside of your jar, and inside of your vac chamber are spotless.

Won’t the solvent boil out under vac without running the pump 24/7 for the final purge? I was reading some people say you don’t have to run the vac constantly. When actually trying to recover my solvent I will be running the pump 24/7. What I was talking about right there is what I’m doing currently after the majority has evaporated off naturally, AND what I plan on doing later once I try to recover solvent. I have not done anything or built anything for recovery yet. Sorry, I have this habit of talking about multiple different things at the same time.

makes you a smidge harder to guide effectively… :wink:

meh. and go where? it will certainly pull some into the headspace. it’s nowhere near as volitile as butane. so, no, keep sucking…

Sell the weed and buy yourself dabs. If you live and operate out of an apartment. No need to do science with flammable solvents. It not your neighbors problem. It’s yours. Make butter or something with your trim.


I’m aware lol.

solid advice. hash rosin is the other solid route for those in an apartment.


Sure thing man, I’ll get right on that.

Hey man. You have smoke to get High on. Why do you need to push it. You should read about lab accidents. Shit happens. Few good members here have passed in a better setting. I can’t help but speak up. My mom might be your neighbor. I admit I made some bad decisions as well. If you make bubble hash try it on the first floor. Sometimes the slow RO machine will creep up and overflow your trash can.

Some of us have to because we depend on the shit to survive.

Your mom definitely isn’t my neighbor.

The income or the herb? If I may ask? To survive? You mentioned you have a job. And is your neighbor and their possessions/ family negligible if it’s for money?

boyo…I was wondering how someone can take weed and ethanol and come up with that chocolate brown goop.
Reading 100 or so of your posts explains everything…


Maybe re read them then, because that wasn’t ethanol and weed.