Ethics, safety, and legality of converted hemp extracts

I wanted to start a standalone discussion on the ethics, safety, quality, legality, or anything else related to the conversion of hemp CBD to THC. My intention is not to start a flame thread.

I’ll start:

It’s no secret that there is a huge surplus of hemp biomass and extracted cannabinoids. I think a lot of hemp farmers and processors did not get the return on investment they were looking for and are looking for anyway to sell their products. Converting CBD into other cannabinoids via reflux is a simple and cheap way to make something novel that may have more market appeal. I believe that this is the reason we have seen a rise in the interest in minor cannabinoids. Simply because they can be made and marketed.

Unfortunately, it seems like no cannabinoid is as popular and valuable as THC. Fortunately, that problem has been solved (for the most part).

Now that the conversion from CBD to THC is possible, all that surplus hemp is going to get converted and slipped into the THC markets (black, gray, white).

How do you feel about this?
Is it ethical?
Is it a safe product to consume?
Should consumers know if their THC is a product of converted hemp?
Is there really any difference between THC from hemp or from cannabis?
Should people with expensive and over- regulated THC licenses be concerned or upset?
Will hemp’s legally exempt status be threatened (shipping and brokering freely across boarders)?

What do you all think??


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: The evolution of cannabinoid conversions