Thanks for the warm welcome yesterday. I used up all my replies rather quickly so sorry if I didn’t respond to everyone. A few people asked to see more photos of my chocolate edibles so I figured I would start this thread. Show off your edible creations!
Means a lot coming from you good sir. If you know of anyone in the US looking for this type of work and creativity I am looking to make a move from Canada to the US.
I could only imagine the experience you could make with a thc/cbd chocolate boutique shop selling super heady chocolates that give you the clout every Instagram influencer dreams of!
i immediately want to try and suss out a market for high end chocolates. problem is most people want their sugar/THC pretty cheap.
i know Northern Standard out in colorado has some beautiful treats and distributes a good amount. they have a pro making their chocolates as well.
The cost of goods on these are reasonable. The intricacy and detail allows for a higher price point than other edibles. For example Black Market 100mg Chocolate bars used to retail for $10 in Canada. I always sold my 2 piece truffle boxes (50mg each piece) for $15 and I probably sold a lot more than the $10 bars. The time consuming part is painting the moulds. Set up takes time - tempering your cocoa butter etc. Its easier to paint a few hundred moulds than a couple
Beverly Hills Baby. I was so disappointed when I finally went to LA and tried Defonce, Kiva and a few others. Those are the high end chocolate brands in the US.
I could not belive how bad they were yet those companies are successful
Even Orange County or Malibu. Some really rich area. I can see the ability to take this to just about any California white labeller and offer your services. I can see many that wouldn’t at least hear the offer out.
Will put together a new IG that I can share here. Most of my current work is on a personal private page. Give me a few days to put together a new portfolio page