Distillation of dmt and mescaline?

Damn i just looked it up that is very easy…

Thank you!!

If anyone needs an SOP for that, DM me.


Right! I wonder what’s in it

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I’ve never tried mescaline. I’m still very curious and open to it though.


Better than shrooms imo, much smoother. The feeling is more akin to mdma than psilocybin.

You can buy a foot of San Pedro off eBay. @GroovyOctopusLabs


I always say there’s two types of people on this planet: those who can handle their Acid and those who can handle their Shrooms. I can micro dose on Shrooms and have a very easy and smooth ride but I take that 8th and introspective journey’s are a bitch. I’ve done so many of that too. I am way more of an acid kind of guy if I want to trip. Every time I have done acid it’s consistently goofy and pleasant. I always feel as though I’m experiencing life without the viel over my eyes and I experience life in such a very positive light and I feel like I’m one with myself in a way that I should’ve been born as such. Awwww man I’m tearing up a little. I would’ve been the perfect acid experiment for the original tests and I know it, my brain is so ideal for what it does and I wish it was medically available.


He just sucked and had shitty bark I have 2-3% bark now made a few small pulls got 15grams off 1kg and I have about 4 pulls left to get it all

DMT is better than them all imo for visuals


Cadillac of psychedelics, good stuff, be prepared to barf though… no shame


This what my friend pulled, but after seeing his process I am hesitant to smoke the 10 grams he gave me for using my shop. I like clean extracted meds, and his method had jugs and Namptha all.over the place…lol

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When I did it, I removed the skin prior to making tea out of my cactus and it helped eliminate a lot of the nausea.

Still was hit with some pretty bad diarrhea halfway thru the trip…

@uDance2MyBeat you can recrystallize very easily what you got there to get a little higher purity if you wanted.

I was addicted to robo tripping in my teenage years, I’m no stranger to puking to make a trip happen. :sweat_smile:

I remember reading LSD: My Problem Child and in one of the corresponding letters between Albert and I forget who, wrote to Hoffman " Compared to the tiger of mescaline your lsd is merely a house cat." Then the guy upped the dose as per suggested by Hoffman and the guy changed his mind and wrote about his experience.



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Looks like ebay doesn’t allow its sale anymore.


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Acid base extraction isn’t exactly rocket science either

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Awco1988 has boatloads of SP cuttings

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It didn’t sound like he was suggesting it was rocket science, just the appropriate way to approach the situation.

Don’t bother distilling deems… just recrystallize with a freezer crash. Maybe first once in heptane run some water over it to get rid of that color. People that do the evaporation method get all the junk in the crystals makes it yellow to orange. Pure product is water clear but for smoking; off-white white is the best.