I dunno man, I’m not gonna insult you like everyone is doing, but that just isn’t right.
OO do me next! Mine’s even easier because it’s literally my name and NOTHING is set to private. Maybe even make a whole new thread about it.
I guarantee there’s some real stupid shit y’all can dig up.
Yet why did no one flag my pics when they were uploaded
Serious question
Nobody gave a shit because its what you do to people all the time. You couldn’t figure that out on your own?
Serious answer.
I must have missed it, but I would have flagged for sure.
But aren’t the rules the rules?!
Sadly the rules were bent in their favor to allow your doxxing to stay.
Now in my opinion they have opened a can of worms essentially giving you and everyone else permission to dox all you want as long as that said image was already online.
Like, for instance. If people are being intentionally obtuse
Safety third!
Why do you think I argued with sidco about this for a week?
I’m 100% agreeing its dumb to allow this
I’d actually like it changed but I don’t think it will be because the amount of moderation it would take
If you think it should change, could you edit your posts to remove @thesk8nmidget’s info?
I agree with you as well, it’s not right to do that.
How about me and @thesk8nmidget call a truce
I’ll edit the post out when I can in exchange for no more shit talking between us
It’s a win win for everyone
Deal? @thesk8nmidget
Then act like it. I bet if you made a thread about how you didnt want doxxed in a respectable manner people would probably side with you. This goes for all types of communication.
You ever hear the term treat others how you would like to be treated? This motto would take you further than your current ego would. I would bet big money on it that you would find far more success and also far more quality relationships.
Well, that would work for me, but it’s not my info out there.
I would prefer we all adhere to not doxxing each other no matter what.
I’m sorry that this has happened to you here previously.
Incoming wave of text about partnering with the best in the industry and how your partners are garbo.
These are the kinds of comments that need to be removed from the forum
I already offered a truce between me and him
Is there really that much doxxing going on?
There should not need to be a qualifier to remove his personal information from your posts.
You know what, you’re right. My comment was low effort and didn’t contribute anything to the discussion. Even worse, I’m wasting my valuable time slinging mud on the internet.