Hey @sidco and @Future , would you mind elaborating on this:
How is it that someone can illegally obtain a photo of someone else and post it up here (without the person pictured giving consent) and you refuse to take it down (even after its removal was requested)?
Seems to me if that is the direction this forum is taking, I’m about done here. That’s some serious bullshit and completely unacceptable!
In another stunning display of near self awareness, @Kingofthekush420 makes a clear case that he lacks the ability to empathize with others- clear symptoms of sociopathy and potentially psychopathy
I do not think this is the case, but rather kotk trying to troll you guys.
This is what I had DMd @thesk8nmidget…
I wanna be fair. He didn’t exactly post your info or try to threaten you or anything.
At what point is simply posting a pictures of someones face, especially when it’s all on SM, not ‘fair use’?
Also, as a Hemp Slanger, are you not more open about who you are with customers / making yourself a public profile?
If you are saying he hacked into, and stole your pictures, that’s entirely different and something you might wanna look into going to court over.
If you post pictures on myspace or facebook and someone uses your username to find that publicly available profile, I have a very hard time being sympathetic when someone posts it and wouldn’t call it doxxing.
Look I cant stop you guys from posting pictures of yourselves on the internet. Stop getting upset when someone finds them. If you have an issue with it take it to court. @thesk8nmidget and @Akoyeh take a second to realize where the line should be drawn, and if drawing it here is good precedent.
For the meant time @Kingofthekush420 you’re on notice, stop posting PII.
To his credit, it’s not like he did anything but google your username.