Diamonds turning into chalk post separation

Hmm. That’s even more odd.


What crc powders are u using again and how much per lb material and how much material in all

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What pump are you using to recover?

How shitty is your solvent and how old and crappy are the tanks your supplier gives you?

Are your desiccant beads being changed enough and dried correctly?

Are you cross contaminating your sieve with your powders by drying in same oven?

Is there crc media powder and residue all over the internals and in the lines? Previous blowout ?


Silica, T5, and AA :

Usually use a baseline 100g AA; unless we are doing a smaller run where the other powders are below 100g which we then go with the smallest amount and use an equal amount. (i.e 40g T5 then 40g AA)

T5 : 2-3% of total biomass
Silica : 1-1.5% of total biomass

We stack pours but usually I’d say each pour is 30-40 lbs of material

Obviously if we do not have 30 lbs of the biomass we will run whatever we have.

Did a 30lb run recently 113 T5, 68 Silica, 68 AA. Though that was budder so no conclusive results on that guy.


Haskel EXT420

Unsure how to determine how shitty the solvent is. Industrial Grade N-Butane the tanks we receive are usually pretty new looking. Though every 20 or so has a little rust on the exterior. We distill before usage.

Beads are changed every other day or daily if running fresh. Dried in an oven with T5 at 220F so potentially yes there may be some cross contamination; though ran for 6-7 months with no issues drying the same way.

Booth is cleaned weekly; little to no media powder residue in the booth/system outside of general flower residue. All internals have been disconnected and cleaned about 5 times now in the past month, lines have been replaced. Did have a previous blowout but that was after all the runs in the thread were extracted; full clean was done after the blowout.

theres ur issue

To much powders and ones u don’t even need to be using

Well maybe not to much try dropping the AA

And dry ur powders before hand like the guy above me said

And do u run a filter drier

damn just so y’all know cold knock runs a huge facility and they have been making fire diamonds for years. He’s no rookie when it comes to making concentrates. I wasn’t able to help him on what’s going on but, its something ive never seen in my 8 years making concentrates. They change sieve beads daily, running from cannagas for solvents. How is less then 300 grams of total powder on 15kg of material to much powder thats literally 1.6%.


Too bad bro, looked like some nice stones.


That they were


Could it be some nasty oil that is sprayed on the flower? I’ve been doing it for 6 years and haven’t seen that before, that shit would keep me up at night, good luck finding out what it is!

I originally thought water but it sounds like your facility is on point so doesnt seem to be the case, as is your media usage as long as your filtering down to 0.2um, but even if not itd be weird for it to get in the lattice like that.


Math is hard


I had all kinds of fuckery with oils sprayed late

Great Guess!!!


Thanks for the input! Definitely didn’t consider that one yet.

That’s one way to find out. Pretty confident it’d test in the 95-99% range without solvent/terpenes.

Too many microns.

Yeah we thought water too! I even went as far as to separate a couple of different batches from before this issue and after; chucked them in mason jars and dropped some water in each. No reaction with the jars of material from before and the same reaction with the material affected by this issue.

Still leads me to believe it’s something happening/influencing the growth of the structures.

I’ve grown great facets even with media accidentally getting through into the oil that didn’t break down like this. Can still see the media in the facet to this day.

Great theory on some flower we ran potentially being sprayer with some weird shit. That potentially we aren’t getting out of our fittings/condensing coils while cleaning them (swapped out the lines this past week).


I have seen stuff that had been sprayed heavy with hydrogen peroxide turn out funky and crashing super fast itd be interesting to see what it is like, if its something in the lattice or a reaction with the contaminant or something like that. People spray all kinds of weird stuff. Have you looked at it under a microscope? probably be interesting to see before, during, and after, compared to normal.


100gs of T5 is too much for for 30lbs of biomass? Huh… I don’t use silica, so I can’t comment on that, but I doubt this media thing.

He mentioned his filter drier in the post you replied to, as well as described predrying his media.

None of the things you mention cause this issue


I read it wrong though said 1000 plus activated alumna

There definitely something else going on here

You didn’t spray tane on them after done to wash off did you then let air evaporate

And those are huge for tane pane crash thats all you used?

We did not wash these diamonds with solvent after separating from the terpene fraction.

Only Butane/propane as solvent. Poured from the spout of a biomass extraction. Thank you!