Delta-8 THC causing increase in poison center calls

I haven’t seen anything to suggest that, and I have public information requests for most of the current cases that made the news

Where’d you get that info?

Common knowledge if you run in the southeast / midwest c-store / smoke shop circles.

There are sizable chains of stores slinging D9 from under the counter— have been for years.

There are clerks doing it without the owners’ knowledge.

Some of these cases were for D8 sales to minors.

I’m aware of 0 convictions for >.0.3% D9 in D8 products. Not something anyone can prove beyond a reasonable doubt in court.

Law enforcement is not stupid. They know this. They also know they have bigger fish to fry. Try to talk to a LEO about D8 / cannabis in general without annoying them. It’s difficult.


Inaccurate according to… you.

So far, you have no precedent to back this up. So far just a sad D9 boi.

Pretty accurate according to the COA I’m about to put into evidence in my civil trial, where I’m being forced to prove that my statements are truthful

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How about some real evidence instead of some vague appeal to probability. As it is, you’re just defaming your victims


tenor (4)


No wonder you are getting sued :joy::joy::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Show me the part where any of these victims were arrested for selling marijuana products, and not for selling d8/hot d8


Show me a conviction. You can be arrested for practically anything.

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This is DEFINITELY projection at it’s finest.


Good luck!! :popcorn:

giphy (3)


In what world do you expect someone to be tried and convicted in less than 6 months?

I don’t understand how “d8 is legal” became absolute, undeniable truth. It’s an untested legal theory that’s invalidated by d9 content

so you never sold any d9 products before it wa legal?

7+ years ago, and my customers and I both knew we were committing a crime

I just gotta ask, for all you d8 guys, why have none of you started a legal defense fund for the people arrested for selling your products? If they’re supposedly legal, it only seems right that you should defend the people that I see as being victims of this fraud, this perverse type of blind mule

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Two words……

Plausible deniability


I am bored & tired of your bad faith arguments. We can agree to disagree.

At the end of the day, you will take this to your grave. To change your mind would mean recognizing the true risk of this lawsuit you’re in.

Which, by the way, I truly hope you get through unscathed. I understand where you’re coming from. And I know that matter is more over transparency with customers vs legality of D8 in general. I mean those carts were 14% to 22%… they aren’t even trying.

I’m not like those guys. I still think you and others will struggle to prove— in a court of law, beyond a shadow of a doubt— that it’s D9.

Also, whether those charges turn into convictions will depend almost solely on funding and quality of counsel.


This is civil court, not criminal court. I only have to prove it beyond a preponderance of the evidence, and show that I acted in good faith and not malice

And I don’t see what’s bad faith about asking you to pull from the arrests proof that these people are selling products that aren’t d8, or asking why you won’t help defend the people being arrested. Bad faith is making an argument and getting indignant and refusing to substantiate it

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Really do wish you the best pdxcanna I know I’ve thrown some jabs at you about your case in the past. I know most your critic is from a place of well intent though I originally didnt feel so. Hopefully your counsel is on point.

That said I’d like to raise the question with lab variance, no standard method for separating the co-elution of peaks, and it seems a lot of sop dialed into close to compliant… Doesnt it make it near impossible currently legally to declare the majority of hot d8 “hot”.

This thread showed variance + a lot of close to complaint samples that I think trying to definitively in court declare them hot wouldn’t fly just off how close to complaint and lab variance?

I could be misguided but to me it seems first there needs to be better testing and separating of the peaks and a trimming of variance to have a case that would stand up as hot for d9.

To me it just seems without the proper definitive testing legally these cases don’t seem like they would hold up currently or do you think the opposite that a lot of those linked raids above are in deep shit. Eventually someones going to get made an example of… Just seems would be overturn-able currently and that there just isnt the adequate certainty of testing yet.