@david glassware and adapters sales section

I do not understand you?

He’s asking if that glass piece has been made.

@Thedistillator no it hasn’t. I was asking him about it

yes .it is made.


no if you need , i will do it witnin 1-2days.i can finish

it is easy for me

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Nice. I will find out very soon

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I sing in the shower does that count??:sunglasses:

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Only if you say “what a lovely tea party” when you are done.


Who are you on ebay?? Greatwaglass perhaps?

this is me


I bought a 24/40 cold trap from this seller :+1::+1:

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looking forward to seeing that condenser adapter made

The isolation adapter on your ebay for a 5L is 29/42 and 34/45.
How would this work as you only have a 24/40 cold trap.
Also most people i assume have 24/40 round bottom flasks going to the bottom of the isolation adapter.
Do you make a 29/42 and 24/40 isolation adapter?
Or how would you use these parts together

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29/42 and 34/45 The isolation adapter ,before my other customer need this. I can do 34/45 cold trap. I can do 24/40 and 29/42 The isolation adapter. If you need me, I can make any joint. Please give me a sketch if possible.thanks!

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Hey @square_root_pharms. Can I have your spd design to have @david to make it for me.

I’d like to buy another spd setup and wanna go wide bore. I think your design has all I want. Can I use it??


yes .Please give me a detailed sketch.

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Youre aiding in IP theft, you know that right?

@david do you then repull a vac on the jacket? cause youre showing in the video that the vac port is already sealed, which makes me think youre not pulling a vacuum at all.

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