First of all, I’d like to thank the community for all the help you are providing to people like me! I think I have read a good amount of the topics and every single one had an interest!
Here is my question : We see more and more extractors wholesaling 80%-90% THC-free (or should I say “ND-THC” to be more “trendy”) extracts which, they say, will not crystallize. They are, of course, targeting the vape business (cartridges). I understand that to avoid it, the extract should be the cleanest possible to avoid nucleation ?! I have also read somewhere that heating the extract to a certain temp & for a certain time may help ? But it seems that they are adding an inhibitor. Would you know what would be this inhibitor ? Is it something about viscosity?
Thank you for any clarifications
To my knowledge, as long as there is enough solvent, there shouldn’t be any crystallization, though if i am wrong here is a paper that shows how to prevent the nucleation. Inhibition of Crystal Nucleation and Growth by Water-Soluble Polymers and its Impact on the Supersaturation Profiles of Amorphous Drugs - ScienceDirect
strange place to put this…
you dont want your CBD to crystallize. (in your carts)
so you posted in “how do I crystallize THCa”
try searching where this might be a problem (CBD/Carts)
eg Search results for 'CBD Cart' - Future4200
the ratio of CBD to CBDa is relevant.
conceivably one could start from isolate and achieve an appropriate ratio by
yes, there are interfering agents that folks are adding to their carts. again, you’ll find them by searching carts rather than under crystallizing another isomer.
Search results for 'crystal resistant' - Future4200 will also yield.
what are you recommending as a huffable solvent with which to dilute his CBD?
reports say that even 60% CBD will spontaneously crystallize.
that’s a whole lot a solvent…
I have seen crystallization in crude at 50%
Sure and thanks for the tip and info
In my experience, albeit limited, i haven’t seen this happen. Previously, I believed that under certain pressure and temperature conditions, i’m sure that it could be quite problematic. After doing more research, it appears that this separation occurs due to the THC not being completely soluble in the terpenes, and need something to increase the solubility of the THC. There is a product called HTSFE/HCSFE which is exactly as you describe.
No, there isn’t.
You are referring to High Terpene Full Spectrum extract and High Cannabinoid Full Spectrum extract, and neither has a whole lot of relevance to the topic at hand.
While the OP did post in THCa Crystallization, offering “sauce” as a solution isn’t really gonna get them where they want to be.
I’ll give you that the less viscous version might make a reasonable huffable solvent. as most folks haven’t figured out how to crash CBDa, most HTFSE is going to contain way too much THC to use in CBD carts to stop crystallization.
It would make for some very tasty 3:1 carts.
I posted something similar on here a while back and got some great responses. Check this thread out…
I have since heard about this more and more and it seems like people are using CBDA in carts because it is more resistant to crystallization. We are gonna do some more R&D into it, but that’s what I am thinking people are putting in these un-cut carts that won’t recrystallize.
I’ve seen a couple labs that showed high CBDa too, but I was talking with GUUD about their crystal resistant CBD distillate (which they sell for $11k per kilo) and the labs look more like this Imgur: The magic of the Internet
58% CBD
12% CBC
3% CBG
2.8% CBN
Any ideas how they are making this differently than the normal CBD distillate?
Damn those are kind of terrible numbers for distillate. They are probably just exposing to high heat and oxygen would be my guess. 75.8% total active cannabinoids is some shit numbers for distillate in my opinion though especially at that price.
It’s the redistilled mother liquor from crystallization of CBD. They are then running it through Reverse Phase flash chromatography(for THC Removal) which ups the numbers a bit. High CBG, CBC(mysterious degradation products), or THC and other cannabinoids will “dissolve” the CBD and allows it to resist crystallization
Interesting, still feel like they aren’t doing that very well if that’s the case. We do a similar process at my lab and hit at a low end 85ish% total active cannabinoids and around 92% on the high end. Though maybe this is a one off low potency for them or they intentionally keep the numbers low to prevent crystallization
Theres other ways to make distillate in this range from crude with a wiped film for sure. I just so happened to do it accidentally, haha.
With Zero THC?
Trace to ND, I sent multiple samples.
And you a repeatably separating THC from CBD in a standard wiped film?
Very interesting, great work
Definitely not, I had a fluke on one batch and am currently investigating how that happened.
I honestly think it’s going to D10 and is being noted as CBC.