CRC yields

Interesting find, I wad actually just wondering what would be more effective, a bigger area, or deeper filter bed.

Thanks for the info!

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Looks like you have the formula figured out! I noticed in an earlier post you used 50g t-5, 25g AA and 25 gr silica, but then a bit further in the post you ended up with 1:3:6 can you elaborate on quantity powders per pound of trim? does it matter which powder you load first? use in the order you have posted? 1 t-5,3 aa, 6 silica?Have you ran 2lbs at a time and how many runs can you make before you must change out the media? Thanks.

I mentioned a few posts ago I used 80g total per lb. Yes I do it in the order I posted with Aa being my top layer.
You should reread that post(#18) if you do 6 parts silica you will lose your yield. Im using 6 parts t5.
Your crc should be changed every run.


Youā€™re using too much media. Check out my write up for detailed info.


Interesting. I may have to source those things and give them a try.

Have you calculated loss of yeild for your methods?
You use a lot of things I am unfamiliar with.

Good write up though I love reading things that are well laid out and detailed such as yours.

I havenā€™t cut back any more on my media because I want this order to go out as a homogeneous color. But Iā€™ll give it a shot when I source more trim next time.

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Once I had the ratios dialed in I never lost more than ten percent of the overall yield and generally was around 5-7 percent loss. This was blasting cryo butane. Theres a much larger loss associated with the room temperature hexane but thats because without the adsorbants your oil would likely be a big percentage of fats and lipids. Using cryo butane there arenā€™t many impurities to remove in the first place.

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Four grams from a pound of trim?

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Yes I used too much media and the trim was super crappy. Have had much more success since then got it dialed in pretty good.

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Are you saying your concentrate ended up being 21% of your starting material weight? 5lbs of material =1lb of concentrate? Thanks for clarifying.

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I just finished two crc runs that ended at 21% and 22% I ran 6060 grams of trim and got back 1333 of wax. Other one I did 1510 grams of trim and got 334 grams of crc sugar wax


I recently had a bunch of flower that just didnā€™t turn out. Very very small nug. Bucked all the large fan leaf off and blasted the rest. Did a mild crc (a cup of b80 per lb) and got a gorgeous gold color. Yield was 26%


Are you running cold and pulling those yields?

Ficklepickle, you run a coil, your tane isnā€™t pulling much fats is it?

I run nugs, but my yields usually fall round 15%. I know Iā€™m leaving some goods behind. I cant complain too much thoughā€¦that 15% is fucking terpy fire I smoke every day. So life ainā€™t too badā€¦


-30 on those, so not super cold, greenhouse or outdoor trim that was grinded to all hell one ended up at 7% terps which is the highest terps ive gotten on a trim run.


Iā€™m going -80 and running 6-7lbs of gas per lb. I donā€™t believe Iā€™m pulling fats. Running the coils was a massive difference in end quality. Makes me think I was never at -80 before using them.


@FicklePickle after running in your material column at -80 do you go straight into the crc or you warm your solution pre-filtering ? I tought those powder wasnā€™t effective on cold temperatures

The powders work cold, some they work best warm. I go straight from material column to crc for small batch stuff. For anything more than a single run for me (5lb max), I do batch crc. When going straight to the crc, I always go cold.

I have a 6ā€ wide 12ā€ long closed bottom spool I use on the bottom of my collection vessel. When time to batch filter, I reduce down, open the collection and separate at the bottom spool and toss a lid on it with a dip tube.

I then plumb my 25lb gas tank to the the 6x12 spools vapor port and then from the liquid line to the crc and then to the collection vessel and avoid the injection coils completely. The gas is generally still cold, but I couldnā€™t say what temp.


love it

Sounds like you have it figured out now, but if there is ever concern about yields with color removal
Medias, consider submitting your ā€œusedā€ powders for potency testing, then take the %target cannabinoid and multiply by grams of adsorbing power to find grams of target cannabinoid locked up in the powder

If that allowed there is retained Cannabinoids, you need to flush your media with more solvent every run

Was this fire trim?