CRC yields

Hey All, this is my first time here so my bad in advance if I make noob mistakes.

straight to the point. I have been trying my hand at CRC inline in my extraction machine but I have been noticing yields lower than what iv expected.

im an experience extractor but inexperienced at CRC.

What is most likely dropping my yeilds? I use t5, silica, and activated alumina.
I have seen I should be using 100g/lb of trim of t5. and 50g/lb of silica. and 50g/lb of activated alumina.
The owner wants nothing but the best color possible with absolute minimal loss.
My sales guy said that they powders will not impact my yields so for a couple trial runs I nearly doubled the amounts I have previously listed (the owner gives me shit trim and wants it to blast pale yellow). I have a 6lb coulum so that would be roughly 1000g t5, 500g silica, and 500g activated alumina.

I have realized this is obviously waay to much filter media as my returns are abysmal. The owner here just wants me to fix it immediately without giving me any freedom to experiment and learn so thats why I need your help to solve this.

3 questions.

  1. is one of my “powders” stealing more yield than the others? silica and activated alumina dramaticly change colors so I think its one of these 2.
  2. is my previously stated 100g t5 per lb 50g silica per lb 50g activated alumina per lb the magic numbers? (or should they be reduced more to increase my yield?)
  3. where is this original CRC post I read about on every thread. I cant find this by searching the form.

Any help you can offer me would be greatly appreciated as im simply not allowed to experiment with any different ratios outside of what the sales guy has told the owner. Hence why I need your tidbits of experience and dont just try independently.

Thanks for the help guys!


You have to use considerably more solvent to trim ratio than if you were running normally. If you were doing a 3:1, bump it to a 5:1, which would be the minimum. Some on here will go as high as 10:1.

Also, your owners expectations aren’t reasonable, so best to discuss that now than later. No matter how much you read or are told, there will always be experimenting involved. He should know this. Especially using dog shit trim. If anything, pay for a consultant on here to walk you through it, plenty of knowledgeable people.

Good luck


I do anywhere from 8/1 to 10/1 solvent to material ratio


@vktr oh trust me I know its unreasonable. my last lab had no money and all the time in the world. my new lab is the opposite, he just needs to know what he has to write a check for and I need to do it perfectly immediately. its frustrating because I got better results with trash equipment that was I had time to dial. thanks though
as for my ratio I feel Im using plently. im washing 40 lbs of butane over my 6 lb run. Iv tried doing a double wash and It was essentially a waste of time for that particular run. I think I got like an additional 20g.

do you both disagree that one of my CRC powders is soaking up my hash?


Not sure whether its the t5 or silica because i used both together, but that run did lose alot. I only use b80 now.


He list the 4.5-6lbs run powder mix…looks like way way way way to much powders. And drop the AA


thanks for a good starting place for my next try. thanks guys.
Of course if anyone has anything to elaborate on, id greatly appreciate it!

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I’m sure that’s gotta have a lot to do w it

I think you are right. iv basically eliminated all the other variables at this point.
Good looking out.


You may want to use 100 grams total per pound not 100 per clay.

gotcha, but you would recommend the same ratios as I have listed? ie 1lb trim with 50g T5 25g Silica and 25g AA?
thanks for the input. my money is on I went waaay overboard with my medias… that color though. haha

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yeah that looks good to start, you may also try a bit of t41 to see if it helps too.

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I got robbed really bad in yield but I did use really shittty trim. I used the same formula of media you started with 100g/50g/50g and did a 10:1 solvent ratio. For a unit I got about 4 g’s of gold

Thanks for your help guys. But I got it dialed in pretty well already.
Did I do good? Haha
I have noticed that this formula doesn’t scale well. The crc stack size is more important than the grams used.


If you don’t mind sharing, care to tell us what ratios you ended up with? Something closer to what griffin suggested?

It looks fantastic btw!

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I ended up with a 1:3:6 Aa, Si, T5 respectively. I’m still playing with it because I am still loosing yeild and I think I can get more out of it. I lost about 30-50g per run.
I calculated this by weighing my crc powders after pulling a vacuum on them. And subtracting it from what I know I initially loaded.
Your mileage will vary though. As I mentioned before. I have found the thickness of the filter to matter more than grams in it.
My 2lb runs have very different results than my isn’t as simple as multiplying by 3.


The sweet spot for me seems to be 80g per lb


Here’s some final Pics for you guys