CONTEST: Post Processing Clear Tech Hydrocarbon Contest Prizes to the winner!

The way I redisolved bho for remediation was by running my solvent into my collection tank. Then I’ll open my solvent tank throw my bho into the solvent tank. Bolt it shut pull a vacuum and then recover solvent from collection tank. Once the solvent was back in the tank I kept it in a warm water bath for an hour followed by shaking my solvent tank every ten minutes. Then I set it on dry ice cooled down my solvent tank then ran it through my cls with my crc attachment. The only thing remaining in my solvent tank was some fats and lipids all the crude dissolved.


Why not add bho in before solvent? Its much safer

This is probably a simple answer but why does this not apply to the ethanol or alcohol guys? Is it because the prizes to not pertain to their needs?

Its a different process


That’s what I did. Take solvent tank empty it into my system. Open up the solvent tank put the crude that needs remediation in the empty solvent tank. Seal it back up and pull vacuum on empty tank. Begin recovery process for solvent… recover your solvent into the solvent tank. Shake that around after and warm it slightly to dissolve crude. Sit in dry Ice iso bath and start running like you normally would with out any material.


I just throw in dewax column, then fill with solvent shake every now and then and then filter


Anyone nailed down the exact amount of media to use for this per pound of starting extract? It seems like some nice slabs were made here but no one really followed the rules of posting process except like one guy. I’ve been using 10x the media amount from the dred pirate crc sop with great results but a bit of a loss in yield, so I’m thinking it’s too much adsorbent media. Can anyone confirm this?


terrible crude to something worth while


GRM TEK Color, Pesticide, Oxide and Lipid Remediation BHO/HHO/EHO gives a little more info on what media and how much to use depending on expected yield. Since you already know how much you’re extract you have you can use his info as a guidline


I’ll post the crude pics when I get back to the facility but this is first pass distillate with my GRM tek used. A stack of five adsorbent medias was used with hexane as the primary solvent at room temperature.

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This is shatter from some material that was about a month old and stored at 80 degrees Fahrenheit in an unsealed garbage bag. Used the same GRM technique with different adsorbent ratios.



And after.
Ran it just like I would run material. Rolled up the slabs and dropped in 4x48 columns and ran normal except for using about 15% to 20% more fuel to ensure I got it completley dissolved. Used a combination of free flow and soaking for the dissolve, let the pressure get between 70 and 80 when soaking then let it flow till psi hit 40 the repeated up to about 75psi. The it was just recover, pour and implement the shatter sop’s.





Full disclosure Queen is my Queen and our SOP’s we developed together, that said her run was her run and I could not be prouder of her. Great job.


Wich powders used ?
Any loss of weight
Great job rhe amber heu is even gone
Nice :+1:

We’ve been using a combination of b80, t5, silica and celite.
As far as loss it was about 8% on just over 600g rerun but with the texture and color I’d have been happy with 15%, the flavor is amazing but the smell is minimal but that’s not unusual for shatter in my experience.
The original material was excellent just ran dark and so terpy it wouldn’t get stable so it sat for about 3 weeks before going thru the crc and it came out some of the most stable I’ve ever run.


I love seeing people advance these techniques!


I’m planning on trying remediating dark slabs for my first time tomorrow. Pretty much planned on exactly what you described. How long did you soak for to ensure the oil was fully dissolved?

I have another question, did you guys use nitrogen to push when remediating dark slabs and dissolving the oil? To add pressure or help move it throughout the system? I use vacuum assist but haven’t ran crc yet.