Constant buildup in material columns causing issues

`Hello all!

Long time lurker, but recently decided to make an account in hopes of receiving some wisdom from all the knowledgeable members here.

Working for a large MSO for the past two years, starting in packaging and eventually earning a spot as a lab tech, becoming exposed to various methods of extraction.

The company recently acquired an MEP30 to make the venture into hydrocarbon extractions as we only did ethanol/solventless based extractions for the longest.

Received training for about a week by both ETS reps as well as others from within the company that have worked with this machine at other sites. With that being said, operating a closed loop system is still fairly new to me, with maybe 80-100 hours on my own running the machine. This is also new for all the lab members on my team.

The issue:
The reason I make the post is for an issue we seem to keep running into that has been a serious headache as well as a limiter on our overall production.

We pack our biomass into socks which are then packed into the material columns. We use a jacketed recovery tank, running at -60c. We fill material columns to soak with tane, using nitrogen to assist with pressure to send things to collection vessel.

Recently, without fail, every single material column becomes clogged at the bottom filter with a white powdery substance that resembles thca. It clogs so bad to the point it slows the drain of a material column to 20-30 minutes, taking an hour to process two socks at times. Our solution has been to simply change the filters at the bottom after every sock, which seems a bit redundant.

No one seems to know why or what is causing this build up or what it even is. Sometimes we have to poke it out of the bottom of the column because it forms a puck in the bottom of the cylinder.

Has anyone seen anything like this or have any idea what is causing this huge crash of something within the machine? Iā€™ve attached a picture that shows what the filter looks like after processing one sock.

I would love to hear any insight or ideas about this issue. Thank you for your time.

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If you test it and it is THCA, congrats! You have ā€˜fast crashā€™ thought to be caused by contaminated gas. Also closely (mis)associated(?) with Medusa stones.

Hit up the search bar. Youā€™ll find yourself in good company.



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Oh yeah Iā€™d be surprised if any extractor here hasnā€™t seen it, to some degree.

Are you letting the butane soak in the material columns?

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Get me on retainer and Iā€™ll help. Not sure why anyone would help an MSO for free


I work at an mso, for shit pay, cuz the passion, fam.


This is super easy to fix implementing 2 or 3 processes for CIP and daily teardowns and cleaning if not already implemented.

A good consultant could get you guys up and running more efficiently!

Yeah, we fill columns and let the socks soak for 5 minutes

We gotta start somewhere man. Sorry

Currently after runs we fill each column with around 5lbs of clean tane and send to the collection chamber to recover in order to clean the lines out.

Which doesnā€™t work because your thca is not soluble in cold butaneā€¦


Yea when I started out I payed for @spdking 's neighbor to help me which gave me great insight on closed loop extraction and into Elliotts former life before the fame.