Cls vapor lock

When you burp it how do you know when you have stopped releasing nitrogen and started releasing solvent.v

if you are recovering into a vessel below 0C (for n-butane), most of the pressure you see will be nitrogen. if you’re below -20C, you’re pretty safe assuming all of the pressure is N2.

I still wouldn’t try setting it on fire.


Yep, if it’s cold it’s got no vapor pressure. Get em’ cold and burp them. Don’t burp it inside if there isn’t ventilation in place.

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even though n2 is an inert gas, it will still bond with hydrocarbons, Argon however, will not. even though its more expensive, it is also expensive venting butane/propane away with your added n2 pressure.

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If no access to N2, and im sure ill get roasted for this, ive had the same issue, so i load a regular column with no sleeve up, put in a tote and cover with dry ice for 30-45 minutes. Then connect back up and run. Mid run itll warm up closer to freezing instead of sub zero which will allow all the tane to flow out instead of having that last bit get stuck. Getting same quality as the runs ive done with a ice/iso slurry. So now my dewax sleeve column is a nice decoration.

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All the answers you want are here

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I know my meter said I was venting butane with my N2 when I used to vent my N2 (I prefer to recover it into a separate tank). To me that’s about vapor pressure of the hydrocarbon at the temp the venting is performed.

That vapor pressure doesn’t suddenly become zero the moment you drop below the boiling point.

Does the hydrocarbon vapor (partial) pressure change at a given temp depending on Argon vs N2?

Maybe, the ideal gas law says no, but we all know laws aren’t always in line with reality…

Assuming there is a measurable difference, because an N2 has enough attraction to Butane to occasionally drag it into the gas phase in a manner Argon could not, how does the $$ pencil out is the real issue.

You got data to solve that one way or the other? Know where to find it?

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Sniff the gas that comes out. Mostly N2 smells a little like butane. Mostly butane smells mostly like butane.

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if u prefreeze material on dry ice and push dry ice cold solvent w n2.over that u only need dewax material column for when ur getting wide columns like 6" or better or its summer months no ac
also they are great for crc.

mostly I use my dewax column if I’m wanting water thin terps . but I always incorporate dry ice


There is a change of pitch in the sound when butane comes out :ear:t2::+1:t2:


How does it dump upon disassembly and not while the collection has vacuum? Maybe its clogged with water and when it melts then it flows?

in process. argon is coming this week. testing theories.

Wait doesn’t cold chase colder? Can’t OP just use a bin with dry ice and denatured alcohol on the base to make it so the concentrate sucks down.

do you have a way to recover from your column instead of adding pressure ?

How are you going to test your hypothesis?

I would expect negligible differences, so your test procedure might be important.

Original Post was from March 2018…I suspect they’ve solved their vapor lock issue.

…an yeah, probably.

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I was relying on my lel meter and scale. I welcome suggestions.

Put the coil in warm water while the tank is being cooled you can pull all the fuel out everything

Sorry this is off topic y’all

i did that, im thinking the storage tank got nitrogen in it so just heating butane isnt enough pressure even though the storage is now under zero f Its my first time with pure butane and nitrogen. I did zero crc and its dark- thats actually whats preferred by my friend. Or diamonds and sauce is acceptable.

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If u keep the storage tank below ur gases liquid temp u can physically purge out ur tank through coil back to the collection pot. So say u can’t cool your collection pot bc it’s so big…but your cooling ur recovery tank…well open the valve on the tank to vent then open the valve to collection like recovery… It’ll literally bleed out through the lines out the solvent tank back to 0psi ,then you just got out nitro without losing gas and not being able to cool the collection all running passive

And yeah in ur setup vent the tank before trying to pull that fuel over from the coil in hot water.if you get ur collection cold enough and vent it before u start it’ll pull all the gas outta the coil

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