
I now ake a "round " of clones 1 night, and leave each strain in a solo cup with tap h2o. Next night they go in the cloners.

I’m still loving that rooting powder vs dip n grow liquid. It’s easy to have a hormone overdose with the liquid. I’ve done some pretty scary/gnarly things to a cloner full of clones.


Here’s your amazon link.

Apply yourself and stop asking for everyone to spoon feed you.

Did you want pees or carrots, I’ve got them all mashed up for you.


Throughout my last 11 years of cultivation for large (250 lights) organizations and for myself and providing my own source of cuttings through cloning, I have found myself with a few extra cuts at the end of the operation and too much heart and maybe a little waste-not-want-not attitude. I have filled cups, measuring containers and other make things with water and setting the cuts in them with a decent success rate but this comes at a price. First you have to consider the time it take a plant to root without a dome overhead to conserve humidity. Humidity significantly speeds up rooting as well as a constant temp of about 75F-77F @ 90%-100% RH. Second the water becomes less inviting day after day and needs changing (about 2-3 days). Also, the O2 in the water depletes rather quickly as well as the PH (potential of hydrogen). If every cut is important to keep then go for it but honestly it’s kind of an added stress and inconvenience on top of getting everything else perfect as possible.

How them cuts going???

they didn’t wilt as badly as I expected, and might even all survive.

if they don’t run out of water while I’m gone for two weeks.

they looked ok at the 5day mark when I last saw them. the 18" tall cut I put in the pickle jar with a bubble stone behaved like nothing had happened at all…just kept right on truckin.


Usually takes 15-20 days but they will root!!


I just put 8 Cherry Wine Cuttings into a trough with water, aerator stones and clay pebbles. No rooting hormone or anything. Will see what happens.

Many never open their clones to see what they achieved.

Allow me to present a bad clone that will forever be weak, not grow well and subject to every stress you can imagine. The problem will all those roots is that the energy that was in the clone needs to be dedicated to building a callus, not roots.

The other is a good clone.

Plant nutrition of the Mom’s is probably the most critical variable in cloning. If that plant is not full of CALCIUM, and the woowoo synthetic hormones are painted half way up the cut, I wish you luck.

How are your clones? Sacrifice one for science!


@Slownickel Happy to see you here. I love your work!


Those roots look great…the clones look pretty stressed.

Which will presumably slow them down a hair. Not sure OP has time for that :thinking:

Let’s see one of your clones cut open that are stress free, love to learn!

Loss rates are less than 1%.

Cut open a recently harvested stump too. See how much wood fungus from the original cut is in there…

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Absolutely. I’ll dissect anything that lives through the jar of the water. They are 5 pairs for sexing. So it might be a couple or six weeks before I get to it.

Wasn’t throwing shade on you clones. Totally agree with taking a look see at what is below the soil line.


The one with the bubble stone looks great at the 25 day mark.


None of the others rooted, and only three are still alive.

So a bucket might work, but just walking away from it was not a win.

Edit: problem was microbial. A little bleach or H2O2 in the water might have solved that. I did have someone keep both jars topped off with water.


That’s actually super pretty! Them some nice roots for doing a bunch of nothing haha.


I’ve noticed the cloners with an air stone root better and faster vs those with out.

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That’s one big ol clone!

Yeah, 18” or so when taken.

Which was to show how much of a difference there was with just aerated water over a “bucket”.

The aero-cloners are even better.

If I had not cannabalized the internals of my cloning bucket, I would have shown that too.


I have spare motors if your in need. I even have a spare square pot or 2 that I use. I dont have any spare lids/grids.

Thank you. All good.

Sexing was done on the plants today. So no need for those clones at this point.

Pretty sure I could lay my hands on all the parts I needed to bring the bucket back online if I needed it, and that jar will support at least a 1/2 dozen more reasonably sized clones if I recall correctly.

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Random question, why do cuttings taken from outdoor plants seem so hard to get to root? I am using root riot plugs and powder. It’s 90% or better, unless the plant has been outside. Last year I cut a tray of 100 off an outdoor plant and lost every one. They seemed to turn brown on the tips from some sort of fungus. If it was powdery mildew, it wasn’t the normal white kind. I have used a clone dip, flying skull clone guard, but it did not make a difference.