We’ve decided that these are just too small for us to spend money on them - we need something closer to IBC size than keg size, but this price just screams “group buy” to me.
At this price, that’s $11k for a 20’ container of them - 160 kegs.
The seller has a TUV report that looks solid and I would give them money for a pallet of these if these kegs were the right answer to the question I am presently asking.
Just to put it into perspective this is the cheapest i can find them single.
If someone does buy the lot, id buy 5 of them off you, if u can beat the links price ($170) by 30%.
That’s about $68.75 a keg if someone buys the lot. That’s also 15 of them sold (could even mark them up a bit and still cut people a deal).
Any other takers? I know there’s enough of us here who could use some more kegs to go in on a group buy. @thesk8nmidget, you need any more to go with that nice new toy you got?
Not quite apples to apples as that looks like a single 2" TC on top, not a 4" on top and a 1.5" on the bottom, but it’s definitely cheaper than anywhere else I’ve seen.
If I were in the US I’d just buy a container of these and kick them up on here for sale, but being in Canada makes that just not worth it.
Here’s the seller information for anyone who decides to jump on this opportunity:
I’m also attaching their supplier assessment reports, they look like they have the potential to be a pretty solid company. Not so big that they’ll ignore a smaller order (this can be tough to deal with), not so small that they might not be here tomorrow.
I’ve also let the salesperson I have been talking to - Jenny - know that I made this post. I’ve advised her to create an account here if she would like to have an easy way to connect with all y’all.
Oops nvm looks like they updated their stock.
I bought 4" ones from them last year for that price. Looks like they raised the price on their 4" ones. ($190 ea)
Still beats the ridiculous price of summits talk about a green tax, sheesh
Not trying to detract from the kegs @Lincoln20XX posted, because those actually look sweet af with top and bottom fittings already ready to rock. $70 is a steal for that.
If one just needs a simple barrel, beer keg deposit is only like $30 for a 1/2 bbl. Perhaps the answer could be, “lets throw a big ass field party, because I need about five empty kegs.”
Still, no way one could mod a $30 keg into what was posted for an overall cost of $70.
Edit: It was pointed out to me that this is stealing. I still endorse keg parties, but definitely not stealing!
I fear shipping costs after landed in USA. How much shipping from one coast to the other? Is this thing pressure rated at all? can it safely hold hydrocarbons or is this for ethanol?