Centrifuge w fritted filter

Do you?

What have you read on the subject?

No amount of reading will magically make jars that fit your buckets appear. Understanding that BEFORE purchasing could certainly have been achieved…

Have you noticed that there are relevant links both at the top of the thread, and interspersed through out?

Eg: from Separation Anxiety (mechanical)

Starting here may help: YOC Dirty Diamond Tek - THCa isolation from Crude

These are pretty close to a 16oz canning jar. Unfortunately they won’t fit in your rotor.

7.5cm x 11cm is 530ml, so chances are you’re (also) looking for a 500ml/16oz container.

If jars don’t fit, what are your options?

  1. build spacers
  2. build support and screen
  3. try another fuge
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