CBG Seed Discussions and Photo Timelines

I think there’s a lot to learn from @Myrrdin
That’s the level we function on, we post data, analytics and photo-timelines. I’m here to help the community and the way that @Myrrdin laid out his propagation procedure properly thats professional!
He had analytics on the PH of his water, he included how much water he used. Both of those are very important factors. If you used tap water to germinate them heavy metals, fluorides, and terrible PH can stunt growth. There are so many factors… most novice growers drown seedlings with overwatering which is a common mistake I’ve seen with people I’ve trained to grow. Like a true gent and a Scholar @Myrrdin shows proper propagation procedure and analytics, let’s come together in these forums to discover facts about growing, Thanks Y’all.
Big Blessings to the Community oh yeah here’s a Picture of my genetics @Selzier showed me of my CBG genetics I gave him. I gotta give him a shout out he’s growing them really really well!

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:100: :joy:

Thats the only way to achieve 45% thc.


Were going for 45% cbg here :wink:

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Nah 22.2% Total actually


But yeah with a little hard work and dedication I could probably hit 25% CBG I still haven’t flowered the F9 of the White Lightning but these leaves were fatter then every other generation I think I can hit 24-25% if you guys are hitting 45% you must be using unicorn guano compost or something… y’all chase unicorns I’m breaking records over here… LoL

Haters Hate While Creators Create
Here’s the Indoor CBD flowers I represent

Maybe if you haters were smoking on meds this strong Y’all would find the state of zen I exist in.
Shucks I’m going to send a free indoor CBD nug to @RedDog for realizing that in no other industry ever do they use the paper towel technique on any level when it comes to Agricultural and Horticultural practices. I want to send @Myrrdin some free indoor CBD nugs for holding it down like a tried ,tested, and true grower that has a quite a bit of wisdom for y’all just getting into this for money or whatever your motive maybe. I’m in because I believe in the medicine, I personally have handed a Parkinson’s disease patient trays of clones and he could barely hold them in his hands because he was trembling so bad… and when he tells me that my medicine is one of the only ways to stop his shaking.
That’s when I realize all this hard work and dedication paid off…without a single dollar needed for that type of pay out… those payouts go to the vaults of heaven.


Here’s the CBD distillate we made from the Hawaiian Haze top Colas

Yup…still over here creating. Making Liters of CBG distillate also as we speak Right now!.. I would be honored for someone to show me some they made that’s better. Shoot I might be able to learn something from y’all…but at this point I Will go with test results I know my Full spectrum CBD distillate is 95% pure cannabinoids because that’s what the lab results say. If Y’all can’t really show me better I understand I take advice from Wisdom keepers like my elder he’s 70 years old and taught me things I am so grateful for and hes done this since he was 13 years old. My father was a Grower, I am a grower and my son will be a Grower.
Big Love to the Wisdom Keepers!
Here’s a COA to Purify thy doubt.


Oh shucks… back to the contract…now I get to play with washing 20 Lbs of CBG Keef into distillate. God I Love my Life

You see those liquid crystalline structures coagulating in pure gold bands that’s Cannabigerol …look it up …this whole time you were hatin’ I was busy creating.
If your not creating,
then your destroying,your potential to create!


How are you washing that 20 pounds.? That looks hard to keep under control. A filter bag and cryo ethanol?

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I can’t tell you how I do it. That would be silly. Plus this is a thread originally made for CBG seed discussions and Photo-Timelines I’ll give you a A CBG Tincture to try My medicine if you DM me though.

It’s funny how when someone starts to shine Bright with tried-tester and true growth analytics on these forums there’s a set of vultures and ravenous Hyenas that come ripping through the flesh of the Knowledge, Wisdom and awareness people spread to Help others grow better medicine. But I get it nobody wants to be told they need to work harder to perfect thy craft…most humans These days are lazy- and would rather sit behind a computer screen spreading negativity than sit in the lab Working 60 hour work weeks like I do, healing thousands of people!
I’ve been fulfilling my role in the planet for years
Every 1lb of Bubble Hashish I make has 454 grams in it and 1 gram of my bubble Hashish has the potential to get 10 people absolutely ripped to the point of nullifying any pain or emotional hurt they were suffering from…so at a very young age my Hawaiian uncle taught me to make Bubble Hashish.
While y’all were playing Video games, I made my Life a video game, where my high score is 552 grams of Bubble Hashish in one Run. So if I made 552 grams of Bubble Hashish in one run that means I just made 552 x 10= 5520 people feeling better in one run.


We’re almost ready to flip this CBG female, we’ll have it lab tested a couple times during flowering and post the results @Seed-Guru :

Nice big leaves:


Hats off, as I humbly bow to @Selzier. That’s what I like to see! Someone growing my genetics like a real pro. Absolutely proper representation through and through. I want to make sure you get some of our newest genetic lineages every time! Let me know when your coming through town and I’ll have this Free complimentary seed sample-pack waiting for you:
-Pineapple Tsunami CBD(Auto-Flower 12% CBD)
-Cherry Space Kandy(16% CBD)
Afghan Land-Race Bubblegum Kush(22%CBD Max)
F9 White-Lightning (22.2% CBG)
Call me when your coming through!


How much for these seeds and what’s your MOQ?
F9 White-Lightning (22.2% CBG)

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Amen I hear ya Brah, that’s better than a damn moonshine still I’m jealous over here in Waikiki!

Day 10. 3/12 ended up sprouting, the third one took a week to sprout. They are all in 1 gallon fabric pots now.


I’ve grown those seeds from @Seed-Guru they are actually really pretty strong genetics! Great photo timeline also. Test results Should be available in 2 or 3 weeks for early initial stage flowering of
@Seed-Guru s CBG Seeds
Thanks Again for the bushy beasts your seeds produced @Seed-Guru!

I wouldn’t buy anything from @Seed-Guru no matter how great his genetics may be… But then again I tend to have huge gripes with condescension and arrogance. @Seed-Guru you are made from the dirt in the ground just like the rest of us.
(To be clear I have not made any purchases with this person, the way he interacts with people throughout this thread just reeeaaaallly pisses me off, buy with him if you feel like it)


Sent my seeds to a gentleman from Switzerland and he sent me these photos of the genetics not testing hot.

Its in veg…