
Don’t use MCT… not only will it mask some of the terp flavor, but it is also bad to smoke given its link to lipid pneumonia. Use viscosity, its an odorless, flavorless terpene diluent. Id say a few routes to flavor would be:

6-7% botanical terps and 5-10% viscosity diluent (best bang for your buck and repeatability in flavor)


10-12% cannabis terps with 5-10% viscosity diluent (most expensive way terp wise, less repeatability but pure cannabis terp blends are admired)


10-12% cannabis terps with 2-3% botanical terps and 3-5% viscosity diluent (best way to enhance your cannabis terps and make them bright and well rounded with a little more repeatability)

All these recipes can be modified a percent or two here and there to make your ideal mix.

I definitely understand your desire to dilute a little further than just using terps, Not only does your oil go farther, but it wicks better in the cart and produces large clouds.

heres a link to the diluent, they also sell terps. =)