Would anybody be interested in buying a detailed SOP for the carboxylation of cannabinoids?
It’s not a terribly complicated set of reactions, though it is definitely organic chemistry. It uses way less noxious reagents than the current CBN methods many people are rocking, so I feel like the community can hang.
I’ve personally used this procedure to carboxylate kilos of CBG → CBGA. Works even better for CBD → CBDA.
Future has been encouraging me for quite some time to post about this, so I am finally putting the finishing touches on the write-up. Thought I’d gauge what folks think.
What kind of conversion efficiency are you getting? 1,000g of CBD isolate becomes what, 1050-1100g of CBDa? What form is the CBDa in after the process?
this is crazy - can we see/learn some sort of verification to this? im only familiar with kolbe-schmitt and im pretty sure thats not whats goin on here…