Can we get s southeast GLG meeting? Preferably Florida ? Me and killa and the fellas have talked about it we could totally make it happen

Let me know if you in the area, I would love to meet up. We are located in Charlotte, NC!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: @moneytalks I’m back in Miami but nothing changed. They still rapeing your boy.
@Killa12345 doing inventory is tough around here.


I love yoga pants. Leaves very little for the imagination. Lol :joy::rofl::joy::cry:

this is just another example how miami 7s are mostly 10s where everyone else is. Look at the first 2 pics and you can see talent like that just about anywhere.


I might have to leave Michigan!


“Magic ass pants”


The first thing I saw in that picture was that booty. Then I started looking around the picture thinking I had missed something.

It was all about the booty. It’s always all about the booty.

WHAT does this have to do with Florida?


The Gig is up. Now all you guys know what I look like.


Damn bro…Never seen you with such a tan and long hair. I knew i was older than you but didnt think that much! :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: Homestead, PA is not Homestead, FL… close but different state.

hahaha @bg305 is only 5’8 according to his license @moneytalks posted. My 14 year old is that tall…LOL

I just wanna know why @moneytalks is so bitter. Obviously not the rape thing or he would have gotten the right person. Why is he still using that account if he knows we are gonna clown him on it?

I wish I had a $1 for every @moneytalks of the world. :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:


I wanna be reincarnated as black stretchy pants size 1


I would volunteer to help with event planning…

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How many GLG members are local to Florida?

Event planning 101.

  1. Date?

  2. Venue?

  3. Duration - 1-2 days or more

  4. Purpose:

  5. Estimate # of attendees

i think we really just need someone to find a cannabis friendly venue that can hold 100-150 attendees.

I think we will have more GLG tourist than local members. I will.put a list together of venues we can use as soon as my guy gets back from Cali.


Rent a nice beach front house, rent some tents and convert into the GLG Club House. Get food and drinks catered…

Everything depends on selected site. Based on location, we can make things happen.

We are in Miami. There are very few beach front homes so to rent one would be pricey.

someone was just mentioning we should just rent a place on Airbnb. Maybe it was @bg305 or someone…There is a good group of us in South Florida. I think @oilcityextracts said he would be down for some sponsorship as hes the Ikrusher rep here… I think a few other companies im affliated with would certainly want in.

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