Can we get s southeast GLG meeting? Preferably Florida ? Me and killa and the fellas have talked about it we could totally make it happen

my old high school was there, thats the only place ive seen people riding horses in traffic to hit the drive thru :rofl::rofl:


I know your not bringing the wife to this one lol!

Can I be your +1. Show and tell?

Anyone… really?

These are bad interpretations of the florida strip clubs. For one…In Florida, every place is a tip zone. 2. Its never that lit. 3. No one is caught dead there in a suit. 4. Woman dont wear any garments that cover more than their private parts and even then dont even wear that. 5. Those woman are too old and need to be sent to the senior tour. 6. I dont see one pimp in any of these pictures. 7. IVE NEVER SEEN A MALE BAR TENDER AT ANY STRIP CLUB! 8. i dont see one spot of money in any picture on any girl, most girls are gonna have one of those leg thingys with money in it. 9. no guys with bulletproof vests?? 10. You cant get a dance in those chairs…look at them

Words nor pictures really can describe it. when i was younger, every city i traveled to. I would make it a point to check the local strip clubs. No one does it like us. LOL


Garters, those leg things are called garters


i forgot…yes…thats correct. Its been an early morning here.


If you know Centro Espanol, you’re wreckless. Let’s hang bro :laughing::beers:


Oh i know centro espanol very well and had some of the craziest times in my whole life there. Nothing better then gettting turned down at the pony or goldrush to go to the river and live out some of my wildest fantasies. 2x russian twins…3x woman for fun… get a chicken sandwich on the patio!

The best part is going and then getting in to find some of your homies just chillin at the bar.

This wouldnt be the first time id be called wreckless!!! :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face::thinking: I thought most of the forum already thought that of me…lol

We have a place in broward that is sooo like centro with better woman. just off the chain cubans and puerto ricans…dont speak much english. Just as blatent as Centro was ever.

Definetly bro… we can hang anytime. Hit the DM we will invite you to the next south florida safety meetings. I know im having a safety meeting next friday night for my so called bachelor party despite being married. LOL


You are a true degenerate my friend :cowboy_hat_face:

We should also hangout whenever I go back to Ashkenazi central (Boca Raton). I have many insights to offerat one of the future safety meetings :sunglasses:

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east or west boca?

The shitty side :sunglasses:

Lol you mean the boring side, unless ur talking about pearl and the English hood in bocarey?

Just like the wreckless i got above…degenerate is fitting too. Yes…im all the above. Crazy, Off the chain, berserk, demented, sick, mad…just name a synonym and replace it and yep…thats me. And we are talking a calm me…This is a 41 year old me. Just imagine what the 20 year old me was like. gun toting mad man. Some people think they have a short fuse but i was like a fucking lunatic in my late teens to mid twenties.

Once most of your homies are dead you tend to appreciate life more.



Florida love



Be careful of…

LOL. To give everyone a perspective…

“There not confessing, their bragging”.

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What am I being careful of?

A cooperating witness/informant!

you dont remember @siosis @bg305 is a rapist drug smuggling police informant snitching on the teamsters in Connecticut :rofl::joy::rofl::joy: Think that about summed up that thread. omg.