Can we get s southeast GLG meeting? Preferably Florida ? Me and killa and the fellas have talked about it we could totally make it happen

Can we get an sop on Florida strip club ppe?


Like so?


Hahaha. Yeah. Good luck with that. I think plenty of protection and maybe a Pre shot of penicillin.

Or you can just live on the edge! Sure that mask would get in the way of the show.


Im down here in Mobile, al. We are on the coast, dauphin island is a really cool place, possibly rent a house for the weekend, can charter a boat, whatever. Just throwing it out there. It would certainly be cheaper than MIA

Lmao a shot of penicillin I love it. That’s more of my ppe.

I mean really, how much could it cost us each after GLG pays what it does? I think it be worth the southeast meet up, just part the game here

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Nope. I find beautiful women all over the world, and can bring the Southern Belles along for the ride. They don’t travel much anyways.

Beaches? Pssssh you haven’t been to the Mediterranean, I guess.

Mind exploration? Hasn’t been an issue yet in my life - I know I don’t need Florida for that!

Seriously, though. Rock that boat, Florida!


We typically budget 5-10k for an initial GLG event in a new region. If its at the same time as a big conference and we have a good turnout we can go a little higher. Its all about how valuable the affiliates see the meetup being.

Meetups are free for most memberships


A few of us should be together next week so we will budget out a few plays for the meet and see what we come up.with.

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Right on. Definitely brainstorm on upcoming conferences, and talk amongst yourselves whom might be interested in assuming the regional leader role


@Future is this meeting open to non GLG?

Was just curious my business partner isn’t a gang member but was inquiring about possibly buying a ticket?

The meetups are GLG only. You can buy a membership at the meetup cash discounts

Most memberships (other than prospect) get a +1


Every strip club by default is a biohazard safety level 2 facility.

Here is a patron playing it smart and taking necessary precaution:



Wait, is that what ur guys’ strip clubs look like?

Kind of… except there’s more “diversity” along with obesity on stage.


oh wow that sucks. you have to go to a pretty bottom of the barrel establishment over here to see obesity

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“This week on Strip Club Connoisseurs, @qma takes one on the chin and gets the full-service at the Bottom of the Barrel in Davie, FL”


Ugh I just thought about porthole pub. I already want my money back.

Ok thanks didn’t know about the +1